Saturday, August 15, 2020

Talented...Oh, Very   
   Joe Biden picks Sen. Kamala Harris, 55, as his running mate. He says she is "talented, dynamic and ground breaking." 
Quoting an actress, "My heart is soaring for all the kids out there
who see themselves in her and will dream bigger because of this."

   Admittedly, race and gender have been factors since George Washington, a white man, as required. In 2020 we can celebrate diversity while paying more attention to character. Isn't that right, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? 

   Biden, at age 29, set out to become our president. In 1994, Harris, at age 29, set out for lofty goals. She took up with a married man, Willie Brown, 60, leader of the state assembly, the second most powerful politician in California. Brown gave her access to political supporters, donors, etc., and a new BMW. Dynamic! 

   She knew who to connect with, exchanging campaign favors with Barack Obama when both were climbing political ladders. 

   From Peter Schweizer's book, Profiles in Corruption, we learn about her time as San Francisco district attorney (2004-2011) and California attorney general (2011-2017). At age 49, she married in 2014. Harris charted her course, following her own rules. 

   She determined which cases to bury (friends and friends of friends) and which to prosecute (all others). She favored those who supported her financially, regardless of law. 

   Against all evidence, she refused to prosecute priest abuse and other such cases. Big donors rewarded her. 

   With ally Jerry Brown in the governor's office, Harris ignored Sempra Energy's methane gas leak that continued for more than 100 days. The governor's sister was on the company's board. 

Tomorrow: the larger picture


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