Monday, August 17, 2020

As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so
you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Ecclesiastes 11:5

   Conception is a work of God, as is a 300-ft. redwood from seed to finish.
Solomon didn't have the Weather Channel

   A neighbor invited me on a fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico. Fearing I might fall overboard and be swallowed by a large fish, I said, "no thanks." 

   Okay. It worked out for a prophet in the 8th century B.C. The fish spit him out alive after three days, and he got an honorable mention in the New Testament. 
What a fish story. 

   Long before that, the first man appeared fully grown. Makes sense. Otherwise who would feed him and change his diaper? 

   The first woman was fashioned (women have liked fashion ever since) from Adam's rib. Does that make her his "sidekick?" 

   In the movie Dumbo, no one expected to see an elephant fly. We wouldn't think a serpent could talk either, but Adam and Eve were charmed, and we've all become sin-bitten. 

   Did the first couple use the word "miracle" when their first child, Cain, joined the family? Did friends put 930 candles on a birthday cake for for Adam? 

   In time, the Spirit of God would no longer contend with the lust and violence of mortal men. (Genesis 6:3) God told Noah how to float a boat. Then the springs of the deep sprung and the floodgates of the heavens opened. 

   It's getting deep, so we'll seek higher ground and be back tomorrow.

Abraham believed and Sarah laughed


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