Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Yearning to Be Free  
The nations of the world have powerful demons assigned to them,
to oppose God and to promote evil and unrighteousness among people. 
Bible commentary; Daniel 10:20

   Refugees from communist Cuba began settling in our state in the 1960s. Today, they are joined by Venezuelans who speak of misery in their recently socialized homeland. 

   As they told Marvin and Mrs. Olasky, there are two dimensions of socialist power: economic and paramilitary. Even people with full-time jobs and salaries scavenge for meat, cheese and pieces of vegetables in garbage bins. 

   Inflation is more than 2 million percent. A jewelry designer said sardines with cornmeal flat breads were a poor person's food. Now, only the very rich can afford them. 

   Considered a member of the resistance, because she led prayer groups and assisted peaceful demonstrators, her family was held for three hours while they ransacked her home looking for evidence. 

   Her husband, a systems engineer, said the water is so polluted their eyes burn while taking a shower. Whenever they left the house, motorcyclists roared up and threatened to shoot. 

   Another couple left for Miami after the husband discovered governmental corruption. He was told, "we know where you live, where your family lives." 

   Communal councils, similar to Cuba, supervise groups of families. Some have life-or-death authority. One said, "You are against the regime, you don't get food." 

   Medical care is hard to find. Power blackouts enabled mobs to break in, rob and set fire to more than 500 stores. Hello! 

Tomorrow: It's called social justice 


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