Monday, June 8, 2020

When Common Sense Flees    
   If you wonder that we are losing our minds, here are a few of many examples that might clear it up: 

   When a man pretends to be a woman, we're supposed to pretend with him. 

   It's un-American for the census to count the Americans in America. 

   Russians who influence our elections are bad. Illegal immigrants voting in our elections are good. 

   It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense for Donald Trump to inquire about it. 

   People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves. 

Those in Congress you don't like 

   Why do they have such great benefits and privileges?
   Why should they be free to vote their own pay raises?
   Why shouldn't all laws apply to them? 
   Why don't they have term limits? 
   Want some changes? Good.

Now apply them equally to those you 
do like and let's pretend they will fix it.
Riding the tiger  

   The guilt of George Floyd's killer looks like a slam dunk. We wonder if it's even possible to find an impartial jury. 

   Rudi Giuliani says 99 percent of homicides in the black community are 
black-on-black cases. We don't know, but he's correct that defunding police would not solve that, and in fact would lead to more crime.

   Someone else on TV said there are 20 black killings of police for every reverse case. Again, we don't know if that's accurate. But we know laws are not made by mob rule. Or are they? 

   Liberal politicians long have been riding the tiger...all to maintain their power. 
Now that the tiger is going deeper into the forest than some intended, they don't know how to safely dismount.  


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