Thursday, June 11, 2020

Take That, Marvin     
   Much admired Marvin Olasky published his one-thousandth column in the current issue of WORLD magazine. His columns are only a fraction of the good work this Messianic-Christian has been doing for decades. 

   Well, we just calculated that today's Views By the Sea is approximately the 2,090th in our five-plus years of blogging. Take that, Marvin.

No distancing required 
   Keeping up with the news... In Wisconsin, church gatherings are restricted due to the coronavirus, but mass protests are okay, no masks necessary. 

   Due to legal pressure, the state ordered that churches can accommodate 50 percent of capacity, up from 25 percent. Now, worship is as essential as shopping malls and theaters. Yay!  

   In hardest-hit New York City, church and synagogue worship is somewhat limited, while massive protests are encouraged. The NYC mayor says, after 400 years of discrimination and oppression, protesters "deserve exception." Of course, he knew people (and rioters) were going to show up regardless.

   Sen. Ben Sasse: "You don't get to pick and choose First Amendment freedoms." 

What do you think? 
   A U.S. District judge in Colorado said, "Free speech outweighs arguments about property damage and police officer self-defense." He is okay with broken store windows and damaged monuments. 

   Keep an eye on Seattle. 

   Denver police caused facial damage and some permanent vision loss with rubber bullets etc. The department now bans certain tactics.

   Colin Kaepernick, if he was still in the NFL, would be welcome to demonstrate on the sidelines. The NFL reversed course, acknowledging their players' input regarding black experience in American life. 

   Tomorrow: Was Jesus serious?  


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