Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Who Loved Jesus Much?    
   When Jesus of Nazareth began his ministry, full of the Holy Spirit, some people liked him for his teaching, healing, and probably some expected him to overthrow their Roman rulers. 

   There were leaders who despised him for accusing them of honoring themselves, and who refused to believe in him. 

   Some people actually loved Jesus, not all of them Jewish. 

* Canaanite woman whose daughter Jesus healed of demon possession.
* Samaritan leper who went to Jesus' feet, praised God and thanked him.
* Centurion with faith whose servant Jesus healed. 
* Widow whose son Jesus raised from the dead. 
* Woman at Bethany who poured expensive perfume on Jesus' head.
* Sinful woman at dinner, who poured perfume and her tears on his feet,
   forgiven because she "loved much."  
* Malchus, high priest's servant, whose ear Jesus restored in the olive grove. ?
* Peter, forgiven for disowning Jesus. 

   Most of us in prosperous America never experience what people in those times endured, or fell victim to. We have doctors, medicine and hospitals. Food is available, as is money, when the haves help the have-nots.

   Jesus bled and died to deliver us from hell. That's the first and best reason we go to our knees and love him muchNo matter what. 

   Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:13  



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