Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our Radicals...Nothing New        
   Notice these traits among current radicals (not peaceful protesters):

* rebellious
* defilers
* arrogant
* disobedient
* can't be corrected
* oppressive
* violent
* treacherous
* can't be shamed

   Now see what the prophet Zephaniah wrote around 630 B.C. when Judah/Jerusalem and pagan nations were facing God's judgment:

   "Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled. She obeys no one; she accepts no correction. Her officials are roaring lions.

   "Her prophets are arrogant; they are treacherous men...and do violence to the law.   ...the unrighteous know no shame."  

   In just three chapters Zephaniah described the wickedness of his day, and prophesied similar behavior during worldwide judgment on "the day of the Lord." Also - restoration to follow on the "day of the Lord's visitation." 

   What we see today from those who hate this nation "under God," is a repeat of history. Same old Satan. Maybe we need to be more radical about prayer. 


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