Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What Do They Want?    
   As with you, we only know what news people and interviewees give us, hoping they are truthful. By now, peaceful protesters have made their point about the death of George Floyd, and who could disagree? Jeanine Pirro and Trey Gowdy both say the charge of 3rd degree murder could well be "Murder 1." 

   It sure didn't look like an accident or mistake...all over a stupid $20 bill, allegedly counterfeit. As for the non-peaceful: 

   Destructive rioting, physical harm and looting was going to happen. It just needed a cause. Again, we don't know, but ANTIFA (anti-fascist) radicals - many crossing state lines - are again in the news. They rally what Stalin called, "useful idiots." 

   We heard their roots go back to Nazi (National Socialist) Germany. Some are anarchists. Others socialists or communists. They enjoy freedom to assemble.

   This would explain people in Hollywood offering to pay bail $. Educated men among the flame and brick throwers. And it suggests a kinship with leftists in the Democratic Party. Maybe, why some governors and mayors have been s l o w to address the mayhem, despite wreckage to businesses owned by their constituents, many of them black voters.  

Note some of the targets: American monuments, 
police precincts and vehicles, churches and the White House. 

   Just thinking. What can we expect with socialists in power, sooner or later? 

   Marvin Olasky has the history. Dictatorial men took over Russia, Germany and China - 165 million lives - give or take. Then came Cambodia, North Korea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Cuba. 

   We'll continue tomorrow, inside Venezuela, supported by Russia and Cuba


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