Thursday, June 18, 2020

City Exodus   
Where's Moses When You Need Him?

   City dwellers shaken by the pandemic are looking for ways to exit. 

   If it isn't the virus, it's job losses, the trend of working remotely, and now the riots causing some folks to rethink priorities. Tech companies are asking themselves if employees ever need to return to the office. 

   In total, 34 percent are working from home. 

   Why didn't we do that years ago? Oh, yeah. There were few computers, no internet and no smart phones in our "working-stiff" days. We did have paved streets.

   Some people want to move near aging family and/or real houses, yards, friendly communities, nature and new jobs. They'll give up high rents, cramped living and lockdowns. 

   We once lived in Toledo for 3-1/2 years. The first time we went to a golf course we marveled at this beautiful, strange thing called grass. We were still there when MLK was shot.

   Then there are looters, and those who steal, burn, block traffic or throw bricks in your face. Aw...the 1960's are back, this time with political backing.

   Big city lights aren't so bright anymore. What good is entertainment and special restaurants in a lockdown? 

   A real estate company said page views of homes in small towns more than doubled the last week of April. Another company which helps people moving out of cities has seen a 300 percent increase in inquiries vs. this time last year.

   We haven't heard from Tom $50-million-deal Brady in Tampa. Apparently he's staying put.

Some info from Washington Post


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