Saturday, June 27, 2020

Journalists, or Journalosts?    
   You know my story. When I wasn't destined to be a heart surgeon, explorer, scientist or NFL quarterback, I switched to journalism school. 

   If I couldn't make news, maybe I could write about people who do. So, I taught myself to type and learned how to be an unbiased reporter. I could have become editor of my hometown 20 years or so. 

   How silly of me.

   Journalists have joined the Cancel Culture. The New York Times fired an opinion editor whose opinion one day had 58 percent voter approval.

   NYT staffers drummed up outrage on Twitter, claiming his column put black staffers in danger. ooooh! His replacement encouraged staffers to contact her immediately whenever they have "the slightest pause" about words or photos.

   NBC convinced Google to ban advertising for The Federalist, not for its article, but for reader comments someone didn't like. 

   A Philadelphia Inquirer editor is out after writing the headline, "Buildings Matter Too." 

   "Why does a black life matter only when a white man takes it?" asked a thoughtful black man. The left-wing reporter merely quoted what he heard, and was forced to apologize to keep his job.

   A political view can be "disruptive to an organization," so a staff of millennials - let's call them journalosts - rule the newsroom. Their culture inflicts loss to terrorize others into "quietism." 

   The press is the only profession in the Bill of Rights, Amendment I. Its "free exercise" cannot be prohibited. Free expression is not specifically guaranteed for surgeons, explorers, scientists or NFL quarterbacks. 
   Oh well. Maybe we can live with lies, emotions, cruelty and delusion. In Bible times, they killed the prophets, and Jesus too. 

   An old-school National Review correspondent says it's too late: 
"The American people are not educable about free speech, religious liberty, etc." 


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