Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Should We Try the Golden Rule?     

The final appearance of Ravi Zacharias at
Times Square Church in NYC is on YouTube.
Also, pastor Tony Evans says the church needs
to get right with God before He will intervene.
Don't expect political solutions to satisfy.

   Another unnecessary police brutality causes protests - all well and good - hijacked by rioters, looters and anarchists. Not good.

   We read some history of minorities - some mentally ill  - who were shot by police. Some were innocent of any wrong doing, unarmed, but misidentified by police. One man lost his life in his vehicle, reaching for ... his ID. Another, making a poor decision to run, was shot in the back.

   A wave has swept the land: replace police with social-worker types, focusing on the youth. We know a retired social worker. She says they would need to be armed. Who would repel anarchists?     

   However, there is a promising story. In 2012, infamous Camden, N.J. disbanded its unionized police department and formed a county police unit working with churches and nonprofits. Friendly police walk the streets. Life has improved dramatically, though some crime & drugs still linger. 

   We want to learn about issues we personally never had to face. But it disgusts when a UCLA professor writes that, "Peaceful protesters and bystanders outside the White House were struck with smoke canisters, pepper balls and stun grenades." Like, she didn't know that radicals stormed the grounds and injured dozens of secret service agents? 
   And who is protesting over people killed in the riots, including a retired, black police captain trying to protect a business?  


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