Thursday, June 4, 2020

It's Called Social Justice    
    Part 3 - Real socialism continued

"Residents stood on their porches to guard against looters. 
Dozens died in hospitals. Bodies decomposed in the morgue.
What little food remained rotted away as the nation went hungry."
New York Times

    Long lines formed at the few stores open in a Venezuelan city. All that remained of other businesses were shattered glass and ash. (Do they have antifa down there?) 

   "Why does socialism lead to mass exodus?" Marvin Olasky asks. And "why don't leftists (living in suites) listen to refugees?" A former British politician said president Hugo Chavez "showed us there is ... a better way of doing things. It's called social justice." Filmmaker Oliver Stone called Chavez "a great hero." 

   The death spiral: Deficits, printing money, inflation, price controls, shortages, protests, authoritarianism, more crime, more shortages, more refugees.

   Chavez nationalized or took majority control of business assets worth billions. A Nobel Prize winning economist praised his policies. An MIT academic said Venezuela was showing "how a better world is being created." 

   From 2013 to 2017, the (better world) economy shrunk by 30 percent. Now it has collapsed. 

   Some political appointees were competent. Others were not. After Chavez died, his daughter was worth $4.2 billion. 

   Successor Maduro enjoyed pricey stake in Istanbul while citizens back home were malnourished. The Associated Press said, "Maduro's stepsons face scrutiny in a $1.2 billion graft case." Other publications revealed how they spent $45,000 on an 18-night stay at the Ritz in Paris. 

Tomorrow: When the going gets tough


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