Tuesday, June 23, 2020

His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, 
his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like 
burnished bronze and his voice like the sound of a multitude.
Daniel 10:6

   An angel overwhelmed Daniel along the Tigris River about 530 B.C. 
He prophesied.

   There would be wars, empires, kings, alliances, fortresses, gods, violence, the slaughter of thousands, a "contemptible person," intrigue, plunder, loot, wealth, fury, ships, rage, treasures, evil and more. 

   If you want your head to spin, try reading chapter 10. If you wonder about the angel, read the history between Daniel's time and the first coming of Christ. 

   We have a summary, but it's about 900 words, requiring three days of blogs. Instead, we offer this. The angel was correct.

   There were kings of the North and South, nations including Egypt, Syria, Greece, Persia and Rome. Names like Antiochus, Darius, Xerzes, Alexander the Great, Ptolmy, Seleucus, Cleopatra Demerius, and Judas Maccabeus. Some names were carried on for generations. 

   Historians know dates of events, the reigns, who married and divorced who, how many Syrian soldiers were at Raphia, and who signed a peace treaty. There was hatred of the Jews, and the first "abomination that causes desolation." 

   Back to the angel in Daniel 10. He skips forward to "the time of the end." A type of Antiochus, the antichrist, gains power, contending he is greater than God. 

   He divides and conquers new kings of the North and South. His reign ends with Armageddon and he is dispatched "into the fiery lake." 

   Let doubters of the Bible explain how Daniel's vision was confirmed by historians. We know the end of the story of our age.  

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