Thursday, June 25, 2020

Is Mt. Rushmore Next?     

   Stationed at Ft. Lee, Virginia (1962-64), I knew the basics about Robert E. Lee. 
His name was the last thing on my mind.

   While we debate renaming 10 military posts, easy targets like statues and monuments are falling. Destroyers even targeted the Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln!
The president who in 1863 declared slaves will be free, two years before Juneteenth. 

   His promise was secured in 1865 at the cost of probably 300,000 white, Union and some black, Northern soldiers as well. 

   About the bases named for Confederates, I don't care either way. President Trump says, "These monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage...a history of Winning, Victory and Freedom." 

   You have our vote, Mr. President, but come on! General Lee, George Picket, Braxton Bragg, Leonidas Polk, Henry Benning, John Hood, Stonewall Jackson and three others were all on the losing side. 

   Some may have been better leaders than their Union counterparts - but their legitimate choice to succeed ruined the South for a century, not to mention wasted lives on both sides. They hadn't factored in Lincoln's resolve.  

   While Northerners went back to their farms, poor losers kept it going with books touting their version of people and issues. 

   Living in South Carolina, we heard people swear the issue was never slavery. One day we checked out a Civil War reenactment - yes, they were still at it. A tent near the "battlefield" held a table, a grim author and stacks of Confederate books for sale. An uncomfortable aura. About face. 

   Today, black Americans are upset with police. Okay. Strangely, most don't seem that bothered with far greater black-on-black homicides. At least, we don't hear it from them or their supporters in political and media castles.  

   We do hear that Black Lives Matter is funded and organized by Marxists, (?) using racism as an excuse for "outrage." So, ALL our history must be destroyed.

   Look out, Mt. Rushmore, and Stone Mountain Georgia where three Rebel heroes are carved into another rock.   

   Maybe they'll rename my old base, Ft. Marx, and repurpose it for indoctrination. 


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