Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our Radicals...Nothing New        
   Notice these traits among current radicals (not peaceful protesters):

* rebellious
* defilers
* arrogant
* disobedient
* can't be corrected
* oppressive
* violent
* treacherous
* can't be shamed

   Now see what the prophet Zephaniah wrote around 630 B.C. when Judah/Jerusalem and pagan nations were facing God's judgment:

   "Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled. She obeys no one; she accepts no correction. Her officials are roaring lions.

   "Her prophets are arrogant; they are treacherous men...and do violence to the law.   ...the unrighteous know no shame."  

   In just three chapters Zephaniah described the wickedness of his day, and prophesied similar behavior during worldwide judgment on "the day of the Lord." Also - restoration to follow on the "day of the Lord's visitation." 

   What we see today from those who hate this nation "under God," is a repeat of history. Same old Satan. Maybe we need to be more radical about prayer. 


Monday, June 29, 2020

The most difficult of the Lord's teaching:
  Was Jesus Serious?  
final in this series
I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be yours 

   So, you have a mountain to move, and no one can help.

   Facing a mountain years ago, my reasonable prayers went for naught. 
When I lost the long battle, I became a ferocious lion. 

   Jesus was going to prove himself real, or this Sunday School teacher and deacon was done with faith! Weeks of floor-pounding complaints and sleepless nights only weakened my health. This lion ... now a lamb.

   I was clueless while the Lord stealthily worked me over, night after night. Somehow, 
I began begging him to cleanse me with fire of every wrong that came to mind. 
(Now we know, of course, no sin is "little" to him.) 

   A quiet Christmas week with no "merry" about it, and still, nothing resolved.

   The first Sunday evening in January, I left a worship service, still empty. 
As I opened the door of my little blue Chevy, a flood of his presence filled me. 
I drove up the highway toward my apartment ... laughing, crying and pounding the steering wheel. 

   Coworkers at the office saw a difference. After three weeks, his felt presence lifted, leaving me with a testimony: Jesus Christ is the Truth! 

   I was the mountain He wanted to move. And I still need his grace and mercy. 

Conclusion: YES
   For your pleasure:
      Genesis 50:20               Isaiah 25:1; 46:4            John 3:27; 14:13-14;
      Exodus 33:14                Joel 2:25-27                               15:5-8
      Deut. 2:7; 32:9-12        Matthew 17:20                Romans 8:13-14; 10:17;
      Psalm 23; 121; 18:30    Mark 9:23-24; 11:22-25                    12:3 
      Hebrews 4:16; 12:1-6    James 4:3; 5:16  

   "This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him."  1 John 5:14-15  

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Journalists, or Journalosts?    
   You know my story. When I wasn't destined to be a heart surgeon, explorer, scientist or NFL quarterback, I switched to journalism school. 

   If I couldn't make news, maybe I could write about people who do. So, I taught myself to type and learned how to be an unbiased reporter. I could have become editor of my hometown newspaper...in 20 years or so. 

   How silly of me.

   Journalists have joined the Cancel Culture. The New York Times fired an opinion editor whose opinion one day had 58 percent voter approval.

   NYT staffers drummed up outrage on Twitter, claiming his column put black staffers in danger. ooooh! His replacement encouraged staffers to contact her immediately whenever they have "the slightest pause" about words or photos.

   NBC convinced Google to ban advertising for The Federalist, not for its article, but for reader comments someone didn't like. 

   A Philadelphia Inquirer editor is out after writing the headline, "Buildings Matter Too." 

   "Why does a black life matter only when a white man takes it?" asked a thoughtful black man. The left-wing reporter merely quoted what he heard, and was forced to apologize to keep his job.

   A political view can be "disruptive to an organization," so a staff of millennials - let's call them journalosts - rule the newsroom. Their culture inflicts loss to terrorize others into "quietism." 

   The press is the only profession in the Bill of Rights, Amendment I. Its "free exercise" cannot be prohibited. Free expression is not specifically guaranteed for surgeons, explorers, scientists or NFL quarterbacks. 
   Oh well. Maybe we can live with lies, emotions, cruelty and delusion. In Bible times, they killed the prophets, and Jesus too. 

   An old-school National Review correspondent says it's too late: 
"The American people are not educable about free speech, religious liberty, etc." 


Friday, June 26, 2020

    Was Jesus Serious?    
When he said...

Do not worry    

* The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy; he is the one you are to fear; 
he is the one you are to dread.  Isaiah 8:13
* The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 
     Psalm 34:18
* Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.      
     Romans 8:35-39

Conclusion: YES

I came to bring division    

* Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, but division.  Luke 12:51
* I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Matthew 10:34, 36
* I came to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled. Luke 12:49

Conclusion: YES

Monday: Ask. Believe. Receive      

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Is Mt. Rushmore Next?     

   Stationed at Ft. Lee, Virginia (1962-64), I knew the basics about Robert E. Lee. 
His name was the last thing on my mind.

   While we debate renaming 10 military posts, easy targets like statues and monuments are falling. Destroyers even targeted the Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln!
The president who in 1863 declared slaves will be free, two years before Juneteenth. 

   His promise was secured in 1865 at the cost of probably 300,000 white, Union and some black, Northern soldiers as well. 

   About the bases named for Confederates, I don't care either way. President Trump says, "These monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage...a history of Winning, Victory and Freedom." 

   You have our vote, Mr. President, but come on! General Lee, George Picket, Braxton Bragg, Leonidas Polk, Henry Benning, John Hood, Stonewall Jackson and three others were all on the losing side. 

   Some may have been better leaders than their Union counterparts - but their legitimate choice to succeed ruined the South for a century, not to mention wasted lives on both sides. They hadn't factored in Lincoln's resolve.  

   While Northerners went back to their farms, poor losers kept it going with books touting their version of people and issues. 

   Living in South Carolina, we heard people swear the issue was never slavery. One day we checked out a Civil War reenactment - yes, they were still at it. A tent near the "battlefield" held a table, a grim author and stacks of Confederate books for sale. An uncomfortable aura. About face. 

   Today, black Americans are upset with police. Okay. Strangely, most don't seem that bothered with far greater black-on-black homicides. At least, we don't hear it from them or their supporters in political and media castles.  

   We do hear that Black Lives Matter is funded and organized by Marxists, (?) using racism as an excuse for "outrage." So, ALL our history must be destroyed.

   Look out, Mt. Rushmore, and Stone Mountain Georgia where three Rebel heroes are carved into another rock.   

   Maybe they'll rename my old base, Ft. Marx, and repurpose it for indoctrination. 


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

     Was Jesus Serious?    
When he said...  

For judgment I have come into this world   

* The Son of Man will send his angels and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.  Matthew 13:41  
* For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God.  1 Peter 4:17 
* Since we have been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him.  Romans 5:9 
* And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.  Revelation 20:12 

Conclusion: YES

Whoever loses his life for me will find it   

* In all things God works for the good of those who love him.  Romans 8:28
* Christ suffered for you, an example, that you should follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21 
* If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  Mark 8:34
* If anyone...does not hate (love less) his (family), yes, even his own life... he cannot be my disciple.  Luke 14:26 

Conclusion: YES 

Friday:  worry and division    

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, 
his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like 
burnished bronze and his voice like the sound of a multitude.
Daniel 10:6

   An angel overwhelmed Daniel along the Tigris River about 530 B.C. 
He prophesied.

   There would be wars, empires, kings, alliances, fortresses, gods, violence, the slaughter of thousands, a "contemptible person," intrigue, plunder, loot, wealth, fury, ships, rage, treasures, evil and more. 

   If you want your head to spin, try reading chapter 10. If you wonder about the angel, read the history between Daniel's time and the first coming of Christ. 

   We have a summary, but it's about 900 words, requiring three days of blogs. Instead, we offer this. The angel was correct.

   There were kings of the North and South, nations including Egypt, Syria, Greece, Persia and Rome. Names like Antiochus, Darius, Xerzes, Alexander the Great, Ptolmy, Seleucus, Cleopatra Demerius, and Judas Maccabeus. Some names were carried on for generations. 

   Historians know dates of events, the reigns, who married and divorced who, how many Syrian soldiers were at Raphia, and who signed a peace treaty. There was hatred of the Jews, and the first "abomination that causes desolation." 

   Back to the angel in Daniel 10. He skips forward to "the time of the end." A type of Antiochus, the antichrist, gains power, contending he is greater than God. 

   He divides and conquers new kings of the North and South. His reign ends with Armageddon and he is dispatched "into the fiery lake." 

   Let doubters of the Bible explain how Daniel's vision was confirmed by historians. We know the end of the story of our age.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

    Was Jesus Serious?    
when He said...    

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven  
* Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice... Matt. 7:24
* Unless your righteousness surpasses the Pharisees, you will not enter... Matt. 5:20
* Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom. John 3:5 
* It is impossible, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance. Hebrews 6:6

Conclusion: YES

Don't fear those who kill the body  

* Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matt. 10:28
* The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6  
* Christ will be exalted in my body whether by life or by death. Philippians 1:20
* I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far. Philippians 1:23

Conclusion: YES 

He who loves (his family) more than me is not worthy of me

* He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matt. 10:38
* No one who has left home or (family) or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this age...and in the age to come. Mark. 10:29-30
* Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matt. 22:37       (Only Jesus kept this command perfectly.) 
* Yet I have this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Revelation 2:4

Conclusion: YES 

Wednesday: Judgment       

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Women in Danger    
   Continued from Saturday

   While mother and daughter headed for the train station, a stranger told them it wasn't safe. He put them on his truck bed and covered them with vegetables. Freedom fighters stopped the truck, but didn't notice the women. 

   Next, they boarded a train marked "prisoners." The next train out was not marked, and everyone was killed, she said. 

   The family survived and reunited. They boarded a ship for Holland, the young girl now with double pneumonia and measles.  

   In the belly of the ship, she added mumps to her problems. To protect others, the captain gave the first mate's quarters over to the family. 

   In Holland, an ambulance took her to grandmother's house. On doctor's advice, her mother took her to the beach, where they rented a room. In a month when rain is common, this youngster enjoyed weeks in the sunlight and recovered. 

   As a teenager, she worked as a phone operator for the queen. Housing and jobs were limited, with so many Dutch having returned home. The queen supported her request to move to America. 

   She married, now a widow, and has two daughters in New England. She and her husband spent many winters in Florida, where she attended the church we now call our home. We don't expect her back next winter.

   She leaves us with encouragement."The Lord will never leave us or forsake us. Glorify his name. Give him honor and praise." 

   And her prayer: "Lord, thank you for your presence. We know that nothing is impossible for you. Hear our prayers. We give you honor and praise. In the name of Jesus." 



Saturday, June 20, 2020

Little Girl in Prison    
   She was born in the Dutch East Indies where her father was a military officer. It was late 1937 and the Japanese were overtaking Southeast Asia. 

   Most likely in Spring, 1941, the Japanese imprisoned her father and sent her brother to a labor camp. She and her mother were given one hour to vacate their home. 

   First, they lived with a relative, then at a retreat. Soon, the Japanese arrived there as well, and loaded them on a train - a cattle car - to prison camp. There was no room to sit, and no toilets. 

   "We were hungry constantly," she remembers. "We stood in the hot sun for an hour to get a bowl of rice. It was cruel and scary for me." 

   "My mother was strong," she says. "She trusted the Lord, and I was close to him, even as a child." 

   There were 300 women and children in one building. "Mom had to bow down to guards and say in Japanese, 'We honor you.' One time she said in Dutch, 'Drop dead.'" 

   At Christmas time her mother organized the women to sing. She believes angels surrounded the building, keeping guards away. 

   Her mother in 1945 had a vision including the date the war would end. It came to pass, 3-1/2 years after they entered the camp. A woman in charge told everyone they were free to go. 

   Not so fast. There were "freedom fighters." We guess they were Indonesians who hated both the Japanese and the Dutch who had ruled them. 

What happened next? - tomorrow.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Was Jesus Serious?
You cannot serve both God and money  

* Selling (some) possessions, they gave to anyone as he had need. Acts 2:45 
* I consider everything a loss compared to knowing Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:8
* For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10 
* Keep free from the love of money; be content with what you have. Hebrews 13:5 

Conclusion: YES 

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness  

* (The Lord) will judge the world in righteousness. Psalm 9:8 
* Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 4:17 
* The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit. Romans 4:17
* The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 

Conclusion: YES

Do not judge or you too will be judged     

* Why do you judge your brother? We will stand before God's judgment. Romans 14:10 
* There is only one Lawgiver and Judge. Who are you to judge? James 4:12 
* You say...it is I who judge uprightly. Psalm 75:2 
* He will judge the world with justice by (the risen Lord) He has appointed. Acts 17:31 

Conclusion: YES

Monday: Who to fear; who to love     

Thursday, June 18, 2020

City Exodus   
Where's Moses When You Need Him?

   City dwellers shaken by the pandemic are looking for ways to exit. 

   If it isn't the virus, it's job losses, the trend of working remotely, and now the riots causing some folks to rethink priorities. Tech companies are asking themselves if employees ever need to return to the office. 

   In total, 34 percent are working from home. 

   Why didn't we do that years ago? Oh, yeah. There were few computers, no internet and no smart phones in our "working-stiff" days. We did have paved streets.

   Some people want to move near aging family and/or real houses, yards, friendly communities, nature and new jobs. They'll give up high rents, cramped living and lockdowns. 

   We once lived in Toledo for 3-1/2 years. The first time we went to a golf course we marveled at this beautiful, strange thing called grass. We were still there when MLK was shot.

   Then there are looters, and those who steal, burn, block traffic or throw bricks in your face. Aw...the 1960's are back, this time with political backing.

   Big city lights aren't so bright anymore. What good is entertainment and special restaurants in a lockdown? 

   A real estate company said page views of homes in small towns more than doubled the last week of April. Another company which helps people moving out of cities has seen a 300 percent increase in inquiries vs. this time last year.

   We haven't heard from Tom $50-million-deal Brady in Tampa. Apparently he's staying put.

Some info from Washington Post


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Who can love enemies?  

Was Jesus Serious? 

If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also

* You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good. Genesis 50:19-20
* Make sure nobody pays back wrong for wrong; be kind to all. 1 Thess. 5:15
* Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18
* Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. Luke 23:34

Conclusion: YES 

Love your enemies 

* (The Lord) is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish. 2 Peter 3:9
* Love covers all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12
* Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Romans 12:14
* Love does no harm to its neighbor. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10

Conclusion: YES 

If you don't forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive you 

* If you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11:26 
* Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13  
* This is how my Father will treat you unless you forgive from your heart. Matt. 18:35 
Conclusion: YES

These verses help me keep my attitude in check.

     Friday: Getting priorities right            

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Unlikely Celebrity    

   We know Jackie Robinson. Can you name the first black umpire in the major leagues? 

    Stadiums may be empty, but we found a story in Smithsonian to keep us going. Given today's atmosphere, this seems a fitting time to learn about Emmett Ashford. (Mostly as the author wrote it):  
One of these may be Ashford 
   Ashford endured plenty of hostility. Former pitcher Jim Bouton wrote: "Other umpires talked behind his back. Sometimes the others let him run out on the field while they held back." 

   During his 20 years umpiring in the minor and major leagues, he was usually the only black umpire on the field, and sometimes subjected to racial remarks. But Ashford weathered it with grace.

   He was good enough to play semi-pro baseball. For a game in 1941, an umpire didn't show up and Ashford was asked to fill in. One game after another, he proved himself a better umpire than ballplayer.

   "I gave them a little showmanship and the crowd loved it," he once wrote. He worked high-school and college games with an exuberant style. 

   After service in the U.S. Navy, Ashford joined the lowly Southwest International League in 1951, putting up with abuse from racist fans in El Paso. From there he went up to the Pacific Coast League, and in 1966, to the American League. 

   Over five years Ashford became a celebrity. Fans mobbed him for autographs. A black sportswriter thought his style an "affront" to the conservative nature of the game. Other umps were simply racist. 

   After he umpired in the 1970 World Series, he retired at 55 and worked in the baseball commissioners office. Ashford died of a heart attack in 1980.


Monday, June 15, 2020

 Was Jesus Serious? 
When he said...  

Take up (your) cross daily and follow me  
Whoever serves me must follow me  
Sell your possessions and come, follow me  

* The Lord went ahead of them...to guide them on their way. Exodus 13:21
* Great is the Lord...his understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:5
* Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been his counselor? Rom. 11:34 
* They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. Revelation 14:4 
Conclusion: YES 

Oppressors don't lead; they push.
The earliest followers sold possessions 
to meet specific needs, such as care for widows. 

If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out 
If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off  

* Do you not know your bodies are members of Christ? 1 Corinthians 6:15
* No immoral, impure or greedy person inherits the kingdom. Ephesians 5:5
* Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature. Colossians 3:5
* (The grace of God) teaches us to say 'no' to worldly passion. Titus 2:12 
Conclusion: YES

Jesus emphasized how much He hates sin.
He demonstrated this later, on the cross. 
Harming the body doesn't cleanse a sinful heart.

Wednesday: Enemies and forgiveness       

New International Version  
A few deletions for space
1st of 7

Saturday, June 13, 2020


   Funny how the "cancel culture" berates law-and-order people for disagreeing with their viewpoints and their actions. They in turn oppose our right to free thought and speech. Agree with them or we don't count.  

   The anti-fascists are fascists. 

   The author of Harry Potter stories is getting hate and threats - even from fans - for her defense of biological women. 

   Many women opposed to risky sex-change for children under 18 are afraid to speak out. 

   Facebook bans an entry by mothers opposed to Drag Queen Story Hour. 

   More than a million in 192 countries have signed a petition to shut down the Pornhub website. 

   South Korea plans to charge activists who launch balloons with freedom messages over the border into North Korea. It makes the dictatorship angry. 

   Boko Haram is still a menace in Nigeria, recently killing 81. 

Was Jesus Serious?
   Join us Monday for our look at some challenging statements He made 2,000 years ago. It's a seven-part series - three entries this coming week and three the next, with a special June 29.  

   We use scriptures, not opinions, to arrive at conclusions. 


Friday, June 12, 2020

All of a Sudden   
   Our surprise pandemic was still the "one thing" when a social explosion in Minneapolis and around the country became the "one thing." We were prepared for neither.

   Worse destruction will come upon the world suddenly, and there will be no escape
1 Thessalonians 5:3. For in a single hour your judgment has come. Revelation 18:10

   In Matthew 19, a rich young man asked Jesus what "good thing must I do to get eternal life." After he claimed to have kept the commandments, he continued pressing. "What do I still lack?" 

   Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor. Then come, follow me." Ouch! 

   Sorry he asked one too many questions, the man walked away sad. Another version has it, "There is one thing you lack." 

   We confess to a lack of desire for perfection, or to sell our possessions. Christians continue to grow spiritually, or we backslide. 

   Preferring to grow, while it is still day, we looked up the most faith-stretching statements Jesus made. We wanted to know, Was Jesus Serious? Really? 

   We will post our conclusions June 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26...and on June 29, the most difficult of all, telling "a mountain to move." 

   Maybe Jesus wants me to make room for "one thing," whatever it is.

   This I know. I don't want to regret loving temporary possessions more than Jesus, especially now that we know what He did for us. 


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Take That, Marvin     
   Much admired Marvin Olasky published his one-thousandth column in the current issue of WORLD magazine. His columns are only a fraction of the good work this Messianic-Christian has been doing for decades. 

   Well, we just calculated that today's Views By the Sea is approximately the 2,090th in our five-plus years of blogging. Take that, Marvin.

No distancing required 
   Keeping up with the news... In Wisconsin, church gatherings are restricted due to the coronavirus, but mass protests are okay, no masks necessary. 

   Due to legal pressure, the state ordered that churches can accommodate 50 percent of capacity, up from 25 percent. Now, worship is as essential as shopping malls and theaters. Yay!  

   In hardest-hit New York City, church and synagogue worship is somewhat limited, while massive protests are encouraged. The NYC mayor says, after 400 years of discrimination and oppression, protesters "deserve exception." Of course, he knew people (and rioters) were going to show up regardless.

   Sen. Ben Sasse: "You don't get to pick and choose First Amendment freedoms." 

What do you think? 
   A U.S. District judge in Colorado said, "Free speech outweighs arguments about property damage and police officer self-defense." He is okay with broken store windows and damaged monuments. 

   Keep an eye on Seattle. 

   Denver police caused facial damage and some permanent vision loss with rubber bullets etc. The department now bans certain tactics.

   Colin Kaepernick, if he was still in the NFL, would be welcome to demonstrate on the sidelines. The NFL reversed course, acknowledging their players' input regarding black experience in American life. 

   Tomorrow: Was Jesus serious?  


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Who Loved Jesus Much?    
   When Jesus of Nazareth began his ministry, full of the Holy Spirit, some people liked him for his teaching, healing, and probably some expected him to overthrow their Roman rulers. 

   There were leaders who despised him for accusing them of honoring themselves, and who refused to believe in him. 

   Some people actually loved Jesus, not all of them Jewish. 

* Canaanite woman whose daughter Jesus healed of demon possession.
* Samaritan leper who went to Jesus' feet, praised God and thanked him.
* Centurion with faith whose servant Jesus healed. 
* Widow whose son Jesus raised from the dead. 
* Woman at Bethany who poured expensive perfume on Jesus' head.
* Sinful woman at dinner, who poured perfume and her tears on his feet,
   forgiven because she "loved much."  
* Malchus, high priest's servant, whose ear Jesus restored in the olive grove. ?
* Peter, forgiven for disowning Jesus. 

   Most of us in prosperous America never experience what people in those times endured, or fell victim to. We have doctors, medicine and hospitals. Food is available, as is money, when the haves help the have-nots.

   Jesus bled and died to deliver us from hell. That's the first and best reason we go to our knees and love him muchNo matter what. 

   Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:13  



Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Should We Try the Golden Rule?     

The final appearance of Ravi Zacharias at
Times Square Church in NYC is on YouTube.
Also, pastor Tony Evans says the church needs
to get right with God before He will intervene.
Don't expect political solutions to satisfy.

   Another unnecessary police brutality causes protests - all well and good - hijacked by rioters, looters and anarchists. Not good.

   We read some history of minorities - some mentally ill  - who were shot by police. Some were innocent of any wrong doing, unarmed, but misidentified by police. One man lost his life in his vehicle, reaching for ... his ID. Another, making a poor decision to run, was shot in the back.

   A wave has swept the land: replace police with social-worker types, focusing on the youth. We know a retired social worker. She says they would need to be armed. Who would repel anarchists?     

   However, there is a promising story. In 2012, infamous Camden, N.J. disbanded its unionized police department and formed a county police unit working with churches and nonprofits. Friendly police walk the streets. Life has improved dramatically, though some crime & drugs still linger. 

   We want to learn about issues we personally never had to face. But it disgusts when a UCLA professor writes that, "Peaceful protesters and bystanders outside the White House were struck with smoke canisters, pepper balls and stun grenades." Like, she didn't know that radicals stormed the grounds and injured dozens of secret service agents? 
   And who is protesting over people killed in the riots, including a retired, black police captain trying to protect a business?  


Monday, June 8, 2020

When Common Sense Flees    
   If you wonder that we are losing our minds, here are a few of many examples that might clear it up: 

   When a man pretends to be a woman, we're supposed to pretend with him. 

   It's un-American for the census to count the Americans in America. 

   Russians who influence our elections are bad. Illegal immigrants voting in our elections are good. 

   It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense for Donald Trump to inquire about it. 

   People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves. 

Those in Congress you don't like 

   Why do they have such great benefits and privileges?
   Why should they be free to vote their own pay raises?
   Why shouldn't all laws apply to them? 
   Why don't they have term limits? 
   Want some changes? Good.

Now apply them equally to those you 
do like and let's pretend they will fix it.
Riding the tiger  

   The guilt of George Floyd's killer looks like a slam dunk. We wonder if it's even possible to find an impartial jury. 

   Rudi Giuliani says 99 percent of homicides in the black community are 
black-on-black cases. We don't know, but he's correct that defunding police would not solve that, and in fact would lead to more crime.

   Someone else on TV said there are 20 black killings of police for every reverse case. Again, we don't know if that's accurate. But we know laws are not made by mob rule. Or are they? 

   Liberal politicians long have been riding the tiger...all to maintain their power. 
Now that the tiger is going deeper into the forest than some intended, they don't know how to safely dismount.  
