Monday, March 19, 2018

Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, 
   do it all for the glory of God.   
  1 Cor. 10:31  

   Our Pursuit of His Presence   

   Many or most of us separate our lives into the sacred and secular. There is a time for fellowship, prayer, Bible, worship, deeds and "church work." 

   Then there is a time for eating, sleeping, occupation, home duties, hobbies, recreation, community service and personal needs. 

   Do we struggle to achieve a better balance? Is "balance" even the right objective?

   I always do what pleases Him. John 8:29. So said our teacher and example.

   Jesus did not see drinking from a well, walking grain fields on the Sabbath, sleeping, turning water into wine, debating Pharisees or eating with tax collectors as separate from teaching and healing. Just different.

   Thanks to scientific research and technology, we're still learning more about how awesome is a (healthy) human body. We're encouraged to fast and pray, but eating is not sinful.

   Our misuse and abuse of what God made...that's not sacred.  

   The church of the Middle Ages identified a number of "sacraments" to be observed. Martin Luther thought of every (moral/lawful) act as part of a whole-life sacrament. However we see this, we worship for God's glory.

   We can praise him while doing our makeup, shaving, waiting for the bus, walking the dog, cutting grass, shoveling snow and doing laundry. We can honor him at home, work, school, at a game, in the hospital or dentist office.  😀

Whatever you do, wrote Paul, do it all for the glory of God. 

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