Wednesday, March 28, 2018

   Creatures on land and sea kill some 200 Americans each year. Who would not fear a roaring lion, for example? Even bees kill.  

   Spiritually, people not protected by God don't fear him or the lion. They don't know any better.

   Shouldn't God's children pursue his face, his presence, daily? And what if we don't? 
Our Pursuit of His Presence 

   Peter tells us to be alert, because our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5). If the roaring lion of Psalm 22 opened his mouth wide against me (Jesus, the Lamb), why wouldn't all of us be his prey? Daily! 

   Peter's fellow disciple, John, also wrote about Satan, the ruler of the world, who enslaves and keeps captive those without Christ (1 John 5). 

   In the revelation given to this same John, he saw a vision of an enormous red dragon, with multiple heads, horns and crowns, who leads the whole world astray
(Rev. 12). Brothers, John writes, can overcome the dragon (or lion) only by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony. 

   We may suffer for awhile, but God cares for our troubles (see Psalms and Matthew). 

   The roaring lion also appears in Ezekiel 22, as a conspiracy of princes. These include leaders masquerading as believers, who devour people and talk profanely. 

   The prophet also uses wolves who shed blood to describe those who speak the viewpoint of the world, the spirit of falsehood. 

   We can dare Satan to deceive us - which he undoubtedly will - or we can keep him under our feet by pursuing (present tense) the greater Power, The one who is in you... (1 John 4). 
Whoever would ... see good days ... must ... seek peace and pursue it.
The face (presence) of the Lord is against those who do evil. (1 Peter 3).

   Lion, dragon, wolf or honey bee - the Holy Spirit is our guardian.

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