Thursday, March 1, 2018

Here Are the Solutions     

   We fear that political intransigence will block meaningful action on mass shootings. So, elect me dictator for a day and here's what we'll do:

Waiting period for gun purchases. Oops. That wouldn't have prevented any of the 13 mass shootings from 2007 through February 14. 

Okay, we'll ban bump stocks. Oh, darn. That would be relevant only to the Las Vegas event.

We'll raise the age limit. A factor in February's tragedy. But not for the others, some of them men well into adulthood.

Harden the schools and/or arm the teachers/staff. That might work at schools, and maybe with negative side effects. 

Stronger background checks. Maybe, but only for Sutherland Springs church and Virginia Tech, and possibly the Orlando night club. 

Mental health funding for school children. Yes - for Virginia Tech, Stoneman Douglas, Umpqua CC and Sandy Hook.  

Gun violence restraining orders, petitioning a judge to remove guns from someone who is a threat to themselves or others. No guarantees, but a law (put in play) might have prevented six of the 13 shootings.

Assault weapons ban. A factor in eight cases, but no solution for Umpqua, Washington Navy Yard, Binghamton, Fort Hood or Virginia Tech. 

Well, this wasn't as easy as we thought. Oh, wait a sec. 
Let's enact all the above ideas; that should cover the bases. 

   Guess again, Jimmy Donut. None of the nine fixes would have been a sure factor for Orlando, Sandy Hook, Aurora, CO., Binghamton, NY., Foot Hood or Geneva County, AL.

       Note: "Our" solutions actually are ideas posed by 
       Florida Gov. Rick Scott and/or the state Legislature. 

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