Thursday, March 22, 2018

Completing the Circle       
   This blog is about The American Way 
               (for which Superman always fights).

   Fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is a link in a chain involving politics in the Dept. of Justice.
That's a no-no. 

   We already knew that McCabe was colluding (conspiring?) with FBI colleagues to protect a (felonious?) presidential candidate while damaging her opponent. Tch tch.

   It's permissible for a justice official to hate a candidate; it is not truth, justice and the American way to use government power to mess with the will of the voters. (That's the job of political activists and news media.) 

   We also knew that while McCabe was colluding (conspiring?), his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, received three-quarters of a million dollars to run for Virginia senate. She lost. We knew the money came from a fund associated with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. (We don't yet know whose money it was.)  

   We knew that McAuliffe co-chaired Bill Clinton's 1996 reelection campaign, chaired Mrs. Clinton's 2008 campaign, and served on the board of the now-defunct Clinton Global Initiative.
   The final link popped into my head Saturday night. McCabe was in charge of (half-hearted) investigations into Hillary Clinton's email shenanigans and the "charitable" Clinton Foundation. 

   She had enormous reasons to influence McCabe, not directly, as did McAuliffe, himself then under FBI investigation (campaign donations). Red and Blue connect; circle closed. 

   As future charges come, denizens of the swamp will "out" themselves with public outbursts against President Trump ... John Brennan, Samantha Powers James Comey and McCabe himself, for starters. Stay tuned, and pray for the denizens. 



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