Wednesday, March 7, 2018

   They told me I was baptized. I don't remember.     

   I recall being "confirmed" at age 12. 

   Age 30: I attended a church that practiced a novel idea, baptism - by immersion - for people old enough to know what they're doing. I agreed to "die" to self in the likeness of Christ's death, and "rise" to new life.

   With two baptisms on my scorecard, did I, Jimmy, now have true faith?
  Our Pursuit of His Presence  

   A.W. Tozer, in The Pursuit of God, taught that faith is not a box we check off on a religious to-do list. Faith originates with God, and flows continuously. Faith focuses on God, not on faith itself.  

   Faith is not meritorious. The merit belongs to God. Sin looks inward. Faith looks out. - Tozer 

   We can exercise our gift of faith anywhere, anytime, all the time. The late Billy Graham prayed for people, including presidents, while they engaged in conversation, though most probably never knew it.

   In "parenting" the children of Israel, the Father introduced special days and times and traditions, preparing mankind to receive his Son. With the new covenant, He provides faith that results in our belief, love, obedience and prayers, regardless of calendars or clocks. Check it out.

   Other than a weekly day of rest and corporate worship, where does the New Testament command - or strongly urge - that we set aside certain days and seasons, and create traditions, like infant baptism and confirmation? 
Add your own examples here: __________   ___________                       

   Today is the day of salvation. Jesus never assigned a special day for himself, other than the dreadful day of the Lord, which is yet to come. 

   The One who led his disciples through grainfields on the Sabbath is greater than the Sabbath.
 Should you not fear me?
declares the Lord.
Should you not tremble in my presence? 
Jer. 5:22

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