Saturday, March 24, 2018

What to Write About   

   It's late Friday night and we don't have anything written for Saturday. 

   We could write about Xi Jinping getting the green light for a full-life term - and we don't mean insurance. Nah. We don't know how one man can be smart enough to govern more than a billion people while plotting to subjugate the rest of us. Did Nixon really do the world a favor? 

   A billion - that reminds us that bad guys stole $16.8 billion from nearly 17 million Americans last year through ID fraud. 

   And state and federal taxpayers spent $1.6 billion for abortion providers from 2013-2015.

   So, maybe we could write about the 30 percent increase in sales of bullet-proof backpacks following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. We're not in Kansas - or my hometown - anymore. 

   Here's a topic we could cover. Congress just passed a half-year budget with $1.3 trillion in discretionary spending. We understand that to mean - over and above mandatory items such as Medicare and Social Security. 

   More money is going to Planned Parenthood. No money is withheld from sanctuary cities. More money is going to the VA, but NOT for vets who might wish to get help outside the system. What? Did you think conservatives are in the majority? 

   Our esteemed representatives had insufficient time to read 2300 pages of the Omnibus bill. But, they had time to leave town on a two-week vacation. 

   Leaders of BOTH parties worked it out. Sequestration days are over. Welcome back, Porky Pig! 

   Now, who's going to tell our grandchildren? Except for a few "hardliners," neither party is interested in sustaining their future. 

   On a happier note, 55,494 Boy Scouts achieved Eagle rank in 2017. Amazing! 



Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty...
Rev. 4:8

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