Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Veteran's View   

   Brian Mast served with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, where he lost the lower parts of both legs. He had extensive experience with the M-4 rifle, which he compares to the AR-15, "the most lethal." 

   Mast is pro 2nd Amendment and belongs to the National Rifle Assn.

   He notes that an attacker using a handgun must be somewhat close to his target(s), which in turn leaves himself more exposed. With an AR-15 style weapon, the attacker can kill from greater than 40 yards.

   The 2nd Amendment, Mast says, does not guarantee every civilian the right to bear arms. Already banned are fully automatic firearms, rockets, grenades and tanks. 

   No single method can prevent mass murder, he says. Bombs, vehicles and other "weapons" can and do accomplish multiple killings and injuries.

   His recommendation:

* First, define and then ban future purchase of assault/tactical firearms. Mast would not confiscate weapons already legally owned.

* For sales of legal firearms, ensure that background checks are thorough.

* Ensure that a possible terrorist or anyone threatening mass murders cannot legally obtain weapons, and enter them on the FBI watch list. 

   Mast is a Republican member of the U.S. House, representing Florida.

Note: There was a ban on sales of semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines from 1994-2004, with no apparent impact on the gun problem. 



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