Wednesday, March 21, 2018

   Think of all the circumstances in which a good foundation is necessary. 
Long ago, God chose a man to be the foundation of his future, covenant people. 
   Our Pursuit of His Presence   

   The foundational book of Genesis ends with Abraham's grandson Jacob and his 12 sons and their families settled in Egypt to survive a famine. Then, God seems to have removed his presence for the next 400 years.

   At that point, thousands of descendants, called Israelites, were more concerned about suffering under Egyptian slavery than about their forefathers. And where was God, anyway? They did not relate to him. 

   Out of nowhere, an old man named Moses, slow of speech, shows up. His reluctant mission is to convince a dictator to let the slaves go free, and to convince the slaves themselves to trade their lush habitat in the Nile delta for a long walk in the desert.   

   God made his presence known again, and off they went. Unschooled as they were, the Israelites had to learn distinctions. - Tozer 

   There would be a tabernacle, and a Holy of Holies where the Presence would be. There were holy days, vessels, garments, washings, sacrifices, an ark and offerings. And severe punishments.

   God was teaching first and foremost - He is holy. But, grateful, obedient children they weren't. 

   They were "stiff necked." God wanted to withdraw. Moses famously pleaded, 
If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?  

   The Lord relented, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33.

   Nevertheless, most all those born in Egypt died in the desert.

   Many years later, with sin again overcoming the people, The Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. 2 Kings 17:18.

   A new Foundation and a new covenant would be required. 😇


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