Tuesday, March 13, 2018

   Pirates once sailed the Caribbean, looking for treasure.

   Regular soldiers of the king also sought treasure in the Western Hemisphere. They hauled some to Spain. Other riches spilled into the sea, as storms overtook their ships. 
   Too bad the Weather Channel wasn't available. 😨
   Our Pursuit of His Presence   

   We Christians have our Lord and King. He is our eternal treasure.

   Speaking mostly to agricultural people, familiar with yokes, Jesus invited them to share his "easy" yoke. But his good news spread everywhere ... land and sea, mountain and valley. It is not an American gospel, nor does the Spirit have headquarters in Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca or anywhere on earth.

   The Spirit helps us first to believe, then to follow the way of freedom. If only we could stay tuned to him. 

   One of the ways we can tune out, unawares, is seeking honor. The late A.W. Tozer said this tendency hinders our belief. 

   Jesus' example should suffice. He did not seek honor, but gave all glory to the Father (John 8:49). He claimed not to speak for himself, but taught only what the Father directed. 

How can you believe if you accept praise from one another,
yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?
John 5:44

   Tozer wrote that self-righteousness, not science, is the real reason people don't believe. People exalt themselves, failing to accept God as He is. 

   Our Lord and King is willing to relate - share a moment of his presence - with those who honor him only. He wants the whole man, as was the Son of Man.

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