Tuesday, August 27, 2024

When in the course... 

     Anyone seen George W. lately? Or, Thomas J.? We would like their opinion. And John A. What would they - these founders of our Republic - think about Kamala H.? Founders...some of whom gave their lives for our independence. 

     We want to know what John M. and James M. would say about her running mate Tim W. Would Benjamin F., who signed the Constitution with tears streaming down his face, be silent? When Democrats begin to destroy the amendments that they hate? 

                           of human events...

     What might Patrick H. and Abe L. think about Kamala H. trying to run out the clock? Well...Abe L. knew his opposition had two candidates who would cancel each other out...so he did not campaign. But Abe L. went to war, four difficult years, and brought our nation back together. It cost him his life.

     In more recent years, we had Teddy R. and Ronald R. to protect our freedom. How might they react, watching a political convention marked by revelry, not issues? 

                                                       it becomes necessary... 

     Our original leaders supported "legal" immigration for our forefathers, yours and mine. Today's leaders are flooding our nation with all kinds of people - no need to answer 100 special questions. Thousands of children are not accounted for. That issue alone is enough reason to vote her...  OUT OF OFFICE. 

"Fragile as reason is and limited as law is, as the institutionalized medium of reason, that's all we have standing between us and the tyranny of mere will and the cruelty of unbridled, undisciplined feeling."

                                                                     Justice Felix F. 

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