Friday, August 23, 2024

From Our Vice President

     Friends, we devote this blog to a few remarks VP Harris made in her acceptance speech Thursday night. In case you didn't tune in... 

     We need someone who believes that "individual Americans know how to better run their lives than any government bureaucrat could." 

     We need a president who "enjoys lowering taxes and eliminating government waste for all Americans." 

     We need someone who says "You (citizens) can play a special part in this future. You'll be its author."

     We need someone who will "go down in history as the president who made Americans believe in themselves again."

Opps!  Oh oh!  So sorry! 

     Yours truly makes mistakes. But this is inexcusable! 

     The quotes above belong to the late President Ronald Reagan. 

     Your blogger, Jimmy Donut, apologizes for the error. 

😉 😊 😒


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