Friday, August 2, 2024

In the Mailbag 

     Sometimes Views provides wisdom/opinions/insights from people you may not know about. Following is part of a letter to the editor of WORLD magazine:

     "It smacks of self-righteousness when Christians cite Trump's obnoxiousness as a reason not to vote for him...or vote reluctantly. Somehow, we are so sensitive to Trump's shortcomings that we ignore the fact that we all fall short in God's eyes. 

     "In Christian humility it is our responsibility to try to see things as God sees them and not be persuaded by a decadent culture. In God's sovereignty every man who ascended to the presidency did not get there against His will (Romans 13:1)

     "Trump is no better or no worse than any other president who was not (or does not become) a follower of Christ. God allowed Trump to assume the presidency in 2016. Trump's term in office was a tremendous success. 

     "Now, we have to accept God's will in the 2020 election. Why would God allow Joe Biden who defies God's moral law in so many ways, to become president? Could it be to show us the contrast between the governance of a party that has an atheistic mindset and the governance of a party that honors God? 

     "I agree that no man can save America, because the root of our problem is not political. But until Almighty God grants us repentance, as in 2 Chronicles 7:14, we should do everything possible to prepare for that day."

What day? The day God heals our land.

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