Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Homeless Man 

     Would we respect a fool, (socially) weak, not honored? 

     Take advice from a homeless, hungry, thirsty man in rags?

     Praise the slandered, scum of the earth, refuse of the world? 

     The Corinthians in Bible times had accepted Christ - somewhat - but they were still worldly, quarreling, selfish, prideful, jealous, arrogant and immoral. They were...  

     "Mere men." Who said that? 

     It was Paul, the Pharisee of Pharisees, whose life turned upside down after encountering the risen Christ. Everything you read above are from Paul's self-description in 1 Corinthians chapter 4. 

     Paul had visited Corinth and had much more to teach. He would have nothing to do with superiority, status, pride, boasting, etc. He wouldn't even judge himself. Nor did he accept payment for his missionary work. "The Lord judges me," he wrote. 

     Paul was at times persecuted, slandered and imprisoned. Our commentary says this can be the lot of believers united with Christ, opposed to immorality and Satan himself. It is said that Paul was martyred in Rome. 

     Before Jesus was nailed to a cross, he told his disciples, "Take up your cross and follow me." How do we do that? What cross? It is the fellowship of sharing in Christ's suffering (if it comes). And it still happens today. 

     This world is not our home. True honor, reward, glory ... if we deserve any ... comes in God's world. We don't seek it here. 

     Someone is keeping records on each of us mere men and women. 

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