Thursday, August 8, 2024

Finding Our Identity 

  No. 1 of 3     From church to hell?

Our folks took us to church 

School years - church every Sunday (learned a bit)

College years - church most Sundays (learned less)

In the army - church some Sundays

Our "good neighbor" family never prayed at home, or read the Bible

To Toledo for job - chose a church with a softball team 

To Pennsylvania for job

Found a church - not for worship - not for the Bible - rather, hoping someone could help me father my 3-year-old stepson

Had I died right then, age 30, God could say, I never knew his angel flew my soul toward the dreaded shaft 

This church was wary about the Holy Spirit. Yes, there are deceiving spirits. But they baptized me in water, and in the Word. I became a deacon and a Sunday school teacher. It's been 37 years since another job took me far from the wary church that rescued not only my adopted son, but me, also adopted. 

My stepson later scored 99% on an intelligence test...and graduated from Bible college.

Tomorrow: Part 2. My favorite Jew 

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