Sunday, August 4, 2024

E, B and C 

     We heard on our car radio a sure-fire approach for Donald Trump and other Republic candidates.

     The idea is to focus daily on E, B and C. That is, the economy, the border, and twice I thought he said "cry." Then I heard it - crime

     Those three topics are Major (with a capital M). And those three problems largely are given us by the Democratic administration. Maybe 90 percent or more Americans - including Democrats - are or could be affected by one or more of these problems. 

     Why Democrats will vote for more of the same is beyond us.

     What about A? Abortion. Not all, but some women or girls are victims of men, sometimes a father or other relative. 

     That's a legitimate issue.  

     If a woman votes Democrat solely for A, and Dems win, but she continues to suffer the hardships and threats of E, B and C... we guess it depends on what she values most. A major benefit of dealing with EB and C is the health, wealth and security of all women. 

     You know about the one-world people, and we're beginning to wonder if Harris is one of them. In their plan, there would be six nations ruled by one capital. Our nation would be Marxist Canada, crime-ridden Mexico, and the leftist U.S. All governed by who? No borders Kamala? 





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