Saturday, August 17, 2024

If Not Honest Presidents...


     These days may look confusing and potentially dark. But God can provide a worldwide awakening.

     In 2 Kings, chapter 4, a prophet had died, leaving a sizeable debt for his widow, left with only a small flask of oil. A creditor was about to take her two sons as slaves. 

     She took her case to Elisha, a prophet, who told her to gather lots of jars and pour oil into them. She was to sell the oil to pay the debt and use the rest to live on. The oil was miraculously multiplied. 

     In those days, the Promised Land was divided. Israel's kings and most of Judah's kings were wicked. People had abandoned God to serve idols. The widow's husband had been one of those who continued to be faithful. 

     No doubt it was hard for neighbors to fill large empty jars, and for her to sell the oil. But miracles may follow obedience. 

     We may not need oil, but we need a revival. A missionary lists preconditions: walk humbly before God, confess our sins, receive forgiveness, and pray. 

     If we want revival and miracles, we must go to the One who says, "Nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)

Assemblies of God newsletter 

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