Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Men Have Choices  

     Think the USA is becoming a bit "weird," the recent word of the day? 

     Long ago, so we read, "gods" and "goddesses" residing in stars were followed by spirits in trees, rocks, rivers, animals, etc. Demons could easily convert these beliefs into animism

     Along came spiritism, the notion that the dead communicate through mediums to humans. Then, idolatry - physical objects worshiped as gods. This could only originate in the mind of Satan. He may have inhabited Nimrod. Deception infected the settlers at Babel. 

     God had enough. He confused languages to restrain them from uniting in rebellion.

     People scattered across the earth as God intended. Problem: They took their demonic beliefs with them. Scholars now agree with the Bible's "Table of Nations" that followed Babel, even if they don't accept the Creator. 

The law of decay. Nations proliferate, and deteriorate physically, morally, spiritually and in other ways. National governments fail just as the system of patriarchs failed before the flood. Unless God acts through the Holy Spirit.

     The author writes, "Worship of false gods and objects abounded in Egypt, Greece, Rome, all of Africa, the Western Hemisphere - practically everywhere. Allah was a Persian moon god. Human sacrifice and infanticide were common." 

     "Dictators were considered as "gods" in Greece, Rome and 20th Century Japan. India still considers cattle to be sacred. Hitler made a deal with the devil. Eleanor Roosevelt claimed she spoke with the dead. Hillary Clinton claims she spoke with Eleanor. Cults, seances, witchcraft. American Indians had their practices." 

     We're not so weird, yet, but we're not as related to God as we were in the beginning of our republic.    


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