Tuesday, August 20, 2024

So long...it's been bad to know ya 

     As we write this, Tuesday afternoon, President Biden has made his one and only appearance at the Democratic convention. Did anyone besides me "forget" to watch? 😏

     Has any other U.S. president taken a back seat to his vice president six months before his term ended? We know of assassinations, and other presidents who may have run out of gas before their term ended. But Joe Biden is a story of his own.

     He began his climb 50 years ago and made it to the top of the world...although four years later than he "deserved" it. Barack Obama maneuvered Hillary Clinton into the 2015 race, infuriating Biden. That rift will probably never be healed. There is no forgiveness in the world of politics. 

     Didn't he use his eight vice-president years plus his current term to milk millions of dollars from foreign sources...with his son's help...to enrich his family and himself? Did that not make him happy enough? 

     What little we know, he went to Washington at age 30 with a big ego, but he wasn't a Marxist. Over the years, as communist types grew in power, Biden - never mind his All-American speeches - caved to their wishes. Finally, losing support, no longer needed by the party, he anointed his hard left vice president. 

     There is concern over what our enemies might attempt in the months between a Trump victory and Scranton Joe's exit January 20. If Harris wins the election, she won't need Iran and others to destroy us.  

     So, he made it to the top of the world. But Jesus isn't looking there. He is on the streets, searching for faith, goodness, self-control, perseverance, godliness and brotherly kindness (2 Peter 1:5-7). And humility.  


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