Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Where Is the Kingdom?  Part 3 of 7 

We sincerely hope conservatives regain executive and legislative control.


     The author of The City of God wrote, "It's easy to see how Rome's Christians could be attracted by the promise of a Christian state. We see the same impulse today in those who espouse forms of Christian nationalism."

     "When Jesus said his kingdom isn't of this world, He didn't mean it's coming later, during the days of Constantine" - or the days of Trump. 

     "With Augustine, the City of Man isn't bound by a particular time and place. It manifests itself in different ways throughout human history. All the empires have been manifestations of the City of Man. Augustine showed that every human political institution is doomed to collapse only to be replaced by another." 

     "The Bible uses the imagery of Babylon to refer to this world system. Augustine wrote that Christians (in the fifth century) ought not confuse themselves by assuming Rome had become a New Jerusalem rather than another iteration of the old Babylon." 

     "The City of Man offers no hope, but there's another city that will claim the Bible's promise to Jerusalem, and that is the City of God ... boundless, containing all God's people through time and space along with the holy angels." 

     "The City of God won't shatter beneath barbarian swords. Unlike the City of Man, which will be overthrown at Christ's second coming, the City of God is everlasting. In the midst of trials, Augustine comforted believers by pointing to their ultimate hope." 

Tomorrow: Approach to Politics

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