Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We're All Lawbreakers  

     When the Exodus came to a halt and the Lord began to deal with his people who had known little but slavery for centuries, there was little normalcy about their daily lives.  

     Like most of us, they struggled to follow directions. All they knew was Egypt, miserable as it was. When Moses told them what God wanted them to do, they had other ideas. Some wanted to return to Egypt, or at least complain to Moses. 

     They had been slaves without new revelations from God. Until...while still in Egypt they experienced incredible miracles that persuaded Pharaoh to "let my people go." Later in the desert, they were exposed to "thunder and lighting, thick cloud, loud trumpets and fire, smoke like a furnace." And if that didn't get their attention, "the whole mountain trembled violently." 

     All that to introduce the Ten Commandments: No other gods, no idols, don't misuse the name of God...etc. 

     We grew up where the congregation recited the Ten Commandments every Sunday. Of course, there were hundreds of other laws and instructions God delivered through Moses. They haven't been rescinded. Thankfully, Jesus summarized, we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew chapter 22). 

     Still, the Lord instructs us not to murder, commit adultery, steal, give false testimony (lie) or covet what our neighbor has. 

     What's our score here in America?


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