Thursday, July 18, 2024

Approach to Politics  

     Part 4 of 7

     "Augustine offered an approach to politics much like the apostle Paul before him. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote, 'Our citizenship is in heaven,' but he also took advantage of his Roman citizenship when it suited him. Christians are citizens of both the City of God and the City of Man, but only heavenly citizenship is eternal." 

     Augustine wrote that Christians are like pilgrims traveling through the earthly city on their way to a better country. We must avoid the vices of the City of Man, but that doesn't mean we should show contempt for the earthly city and its politics."     ...hmmmm

     "Christians are free to make use of the politics and culture of the City of Man, but we must remember those things are not ends in themselves. Neither our founders nor contemporary politicians have the right to declare America Christian - a designation God reserves for his Church."

     "Some claim the country must turn back to God if it is to achieve its former glory. And that the goal of Christianity is to restore and support a proper social order." Views: We turn back to God for His glory. The goal of Christianity is to take the good news to neighbors and to the ends of the earth. 

     "Augustine would say a Christian goal to glorify the nation is the pagan way of thinking. Pagans in Rome talked the same way. Rome was more prosperous and peaceful before Christianity became politically influential." 

     "Those who claim Christian virtue should be promoted to save Western civilization have it exactly backwards. It turns Christianity into something to preserve the West, as the end goal."

Tomorrow: Honest Assessment


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