Thursday, July 25, 2024

Heart and Soul 

     You have...we all have heart and soul.  

     While ancient people spoke or wrote of the heart, and others used the word soul, it meant the same immaterial or spiritual essence of our person. Our identity, attributes, personality, memories. 

     Get this: It is believed that our hearts/souls survive physical death. Like cement hardens, our attributes may go on, hardened. Fortunately, we are free to choose.  

     Shouldn't we choose the better attributes while we live? Some are helpful, others hurtful. We'll list several. Find yourself - pleased with some, maybe concerned about others.

trust   obedience    honesty    truth    love   humility   sacrifice   justice   

devotion   joy   repentance   faith   purity   delight   promise   rest 

     The opposites are attributes also, like - falsehood   hatred   pride. 

     We collect attitudes and beliefs along the path of life. Helpful or hurtful. Positive or negative. True or false. 

     Resisting the temptation to score others, I must examine my own attributes without judging neighbors, people in the news, etc. 

     Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use... (Matthew 7:1-2). 

     So, how do we choose anyone for any purpose without "judging" their ability, character, attitudes, etc.? We discern. We identify. We evaluate.  

     We need to know who to marry, to hire, to trust, to help, to treat with justice. If there is no purpose, no need, we zip it! God is their judge. 


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