Thursday, July 11, 2024

They Hated Us Then 

     Friends and other readers, if you haven't yet noticed how the Clinton/Obama/Biden world despises you, here are two stories from my time at a Department of Energy site in the 1990s. Clinton was president. 

     First, as a typical office employee in the Public Relations Dept. at Savannah River Site - where five nuclear power plants were no longer needed to produce weapons-grade material - I was among 21 attending an offsite meeting. 

     The DOE required our manager to lead us in an exercise that had absolutely nothing to do with our jobs. On a field behind the building, we mostly college graduates lined up. 

     Then she read: For example, If you are white, step forward. If you are male, same thing. If you are nonwhite, or female, step backward. Sometimes it was two steps. 

     I can't recall all the statements, but when she finished, I was in second place, ahead of 19 fellow employees I normally looked up to, for their knowledge and abilities. Shame on me. The purpose? We can only guess, but I was flabbergasted! Democrats are still doing these things.

     Second, a manager I knew personally was showing the Secretary of Energy, Hazel O'Leary, how things worked in a "separations" facility. In two long buildings they separated materials produced in reactors, all to get plutonium etc. To avoid radiation, employees used "master" tools to operate "slave" tools on the other side of the windows. 

     When the Secretary (a white woman) heard those words, she went ballistic for five minutes or so, and our manager feared for his job.

     In our government today, what people are is more important than what they do for "we the people." That's why a black female, regardless of qualifications, must be our next president. Or not.  



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