Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Weighing the Evidence   

     "What happened on October 8 tells us a lot about the Israel-Hamas war" that began October 7. - Andree Seu Peterson in WORLD magazine.

     As in criminal cases, there must be ways of ascertaining guilt and innocence. 

     "Friendships everywhere have been strained by the Israel-Hamas nightmare," she wrote. "We are either pro-Israel or pro-Hamas." 

     "A certain kind of evidence that began October 8 and reached crescendo on Ivy League campuses" persuades Peterson. It is she says the evidence Christ himself urges:

     You will know them by their fruits. - Matthew 7:16. 

     "Christ was warning against false prophets and leaders. They come in sheep's clothing," posing as righteous and compassionate and on the side of the oppressed. But inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. - Verse 15

     Peterson: "A true prophet of justice does not on Oct. 8 call for the death of the nation massacred on Oct. 7. Such a counterintuitive and upside-down response serves to show true colors." 

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