Sunday, July 28, 2024

Threat to Democracy 

     Well, this is interesting. The people conspiring to turn the U.S. socialist ... accuse the other side of being a "threat to democracy." 

     Remember Rod Blagojevich? The Illinois governor, 2003-2009? He was impeached for trying to sell President Obama's vacant senate seat. Obama sacked him, and Blago, as people call him, went to prison. President Trump commuted his sentence in 2020. 

     It's no wonder Blago called Obama "a threat to democracy," in the Wall Street Journal last week. 

     In The Telegraph, he said, "Obama is running the Democrat Party like a Chicago ward boss, from the shadows, in the back room." Sour grapes, or truth? 

     We assume Obama the Great is still the leading figure among Democrats, and we know that he preferred rival Hiliary Clinton to succeed him in 2016. Not his vice president, Joe Biden. Clinton lost to Trump. Biden desired to be president since forever. Among Washington egos, such humiliation is never forgotten. Score: Obama 1 Biden 0.

     Four years later, Obama told Biden, "Joe, you don't need to run," but run he did. Obama 1 Biden 1

     Now, we learn that Obama prefers former Navy pilot, astronaut Mark Kelly as our next president. Obama 2 Biden 1. So, when Biden was pressured to forget reelection, he quickly named Vice President Harris - our most radical politician - his choice. Obama 2 Biden 2. But Biden got the last word, unless Obama wins > Kelly for vice president.  

     In that case, Obama 2-1/2  Biden 2.   

     Who chose Harris as Biden's running mate in 2020?   

     Tell me. Who is threatening democracy?


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