Tuesday, July 30, 2024

We Thought Dems Despise Christians

     We interrupt our plans for today to share an email we just received from our long-time friends now living in Israel. 

     You may remember that Barack Obama attended a church pastored by Jeremiah Wright for two decades. Wright's sermons were anti-American, somewhat anti-white. Obama now claims people of every religion will go to heaven. 

     To our surprise, we learn that Kamala Harris is a Baptist. Her pastor at Third Baptist Church in San Francisco is Rev. Amos Brown, who preaches Scripture, and participates in the movement to pay $5 million in reparations to every Black person.  

     Harris called him after she replaced Joe Biden as the nominee for president. She once described Brown as "an inspiration to me always."

      So, what does he inspire her to think? The email - accept it or not - says his "history is one of radicalism, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism." 

     He even alienated Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein. He considers America to be a "racist country." 

     Brown participated in the UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban (South Africa), which condemned Israel. The conference called for "a policy of complete and total isolation of Israel as an apartheid state." 

     At the 2022 National Baptist Convention Harris reportedly said, with Brown in attendance, "For two decades now, at least, I have turned to you. I have turned to him. And I will say that your wisdom has really guided me and grounded me..."  

     Goggle "Third Baptist Church" for more information about the pastor and also Mrs. Harris. Her mother was raised Hindu and her husband is Jewish.  

     For a party that wants Christians to stay out of politics, this will be interesting. Harris likes the command to love everyone, and if millions more cross our border to be loved, or bring crime or Fentanyl, she will be fine with that. 

     She has lied terribly, and now lies about her lies. Maybe Rev. Brown should teach her how God hates lying.    




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