Friday, July 12, 2024

 friday night 

Who Can Help Us? 

     It's election year, and we know the whims of voters. Possible foul play.

     Who can help us sort out the facts? 

     Will we make America great again? Were we ever great?

     Did our founders really consider us a Christian nation? 

     There is someone who can help...posthumously. 

     Views prepared a seven-blog summary of The City of God, written by Augustine, a bishop who knew Rome's history well. His study sheds light on our world. Afterall, human nature hasn't changed since Adam & Eve.

     You may or may not like what Augustine wrote 16 centuries ago. Thanks to author Collin Garbarino, we don't have to read all ten thousand pages that Augustine wrote. 

     We will focus on his highlights, beginning Sunday night. I would not spend all this time if I didn't think you will appreciate something we don't hear from either party.



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