Wednesday, July 24, 2024

North Cuba?

     As I laid awake early this morning, the pieces began to fall into place.

     Progressive/Marxist people maneuvered Vice President Harris into the starting gate. The new race has begun.

     For all their bubbly praise of President Biden, he means nothing to them. Nor does our Constitution. 

     Some time ago Harris firmly told a newsman she wants every benefit for everyone, including illegal immigrants. If that was even possible. Her "benefits" include dropping charges for most crimes in San Francisco. 

     Without voters, she dropped out of the 2020 race, only to surface later to encourage women and blacks for Biden. Maybe she was also chosen for such a time as this. 

     Her party would replace gas-powered vehicles with more expensive electric. We say, this is not for the environment, but to take most Americans out of vehicle ownership altogether. They oppose Israel. They oppose Christians. Stay with me.

     Our public education may be rated 25th in the world, or lower. Emphasis is on diversity, equality and inclusion...not merit. 

     Years ago, Fidel Castro while in prison read Karl Marx's book, and the rest is history.

     Who visited brother Raul Castro, also communist, when he was president? Barack Obama. Who was obviously behind the scenes on Sunday when Joe Biden's ego was overcome? Barack Obama. 

     When U.S. debt finally brings us to our knees, the Cuban system will suffice. As in Cuba, the Obamas and friends will continue living a good life, while the rest of you squeeze by. Maybe. 

     Will they rename us "The United States of North Cuba?" 

     Donald and J.D. could delay all this.  




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