Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Angels Among Us?

     You can say, "No Way!" But you can't prove that.

     Scripture describes materialism, ungodliness and wickedness that led to a curse on our world. We forget, or never believed, that God sent rebellious angels to earth to deal with them - and their leader - here instead of there.

     Now called "demons," they are furious with God and come between him and humans "made in his image." We don't appreciate this war, but we don't get to vote it away. We can be saved in the end.  

     If holy angels enter human affairs to help us, why couldn't demons come to fool and destroy us? Missionaries say it is common in heathen lands. There is no "wall" keeping them out of our land. Spiritism, witchcraft and other occults exist. What might concern us even more are less visible works of the enemy, "the prince of the power of the air." (Ephesians 2.) 

     In "the last days" (Luke 21) there will be more visible signs of Satan's attempts to capture our minds. 

     Jew and gentile, male and female, slave and free...we can be saved by God's grace and begin walking with Him. Whatever God thinks about the USA is one thing, but far less important than our eternal destination.  

     Americans can be thankful - this week when our compromised president was out of sight and our giggling vice president was busy collecting supporters and our senate leader was chuckling over their successful maneuvering - that foreign enemies or terrorists within didn't try something. Well, the week isn't over. 

         Love you all,    Jimmy

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