Monday, July 29, 2024


     In February 2023, some 100 Asbury University students lingered after a chapel service. The Holy Spirit moved over the next 16 days, bringing nearly 50 thousand visitors to campus during the student-led revival.

     Classes were suspended as days and nights were filled with worship and confession by students and visitors alike. One student said, "Jesus healed me from a long time of anger and bitterness and doubt. I feel the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit."  

     Last September, thousands of Auburn University students gathered for a night of worship, promoted by football coach Hugh Freeze and basketball coach Bruce Pearl. That night, two hundred students were baptized in a campus pond. 

     One student said, "The service led me to want to follow God more in my spiritual journey. You could feel God moving through the entire room." 

     At Florida State University February 15, a move of God began. A New York Times reporter and Christian author ... speaker at the event ... said, "We can't explain what's happening apart from the Spirit. Nearly 4,500 Florida State students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ." 

     Hundreds were baptized at the school's fountain after the service. 

Source:  Newsletter for ministers' widows

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