Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What if Marriage is Simple? 

     A character in a Hemingway story said he went bankrupt, "Gradually, then suddenly." 

     That pretty much describes my first marriage. After years of fear that she would end it, and hurt our children, suddenly it came to pass. In my extended family there may have been a regret or two, but I stand alone as the only divorcee. Bummer.

     I was properly anguished about the new world settling upon our kids, and strangely happy with my freedom. God had another idea, and 33 years ago I went to the altar again. My new love had been rejected by her first husband, and she dated no one for 15 years.

     Many of us are not good at marriage. James Sexton, a divorce lawyer, not a Christian, has some advice:

     "Just be kind to your spouse...all the things you were when you were dating. What if it's that simple? What if it's leaving a note before going to work that says, 'I married the prettiest girl in the world. See you later.' What does it cost to tell your spouse (positive, encouraging words)? What if it's just that simple?"  

     Or, today, wife leaves the note for husband, now watching the kids.

     Here's a stat: 86 percent of divorced people marry again within five years, as did I. We fail for whatever reason and try, try again. 

     Hat's off to the "greatest generation," my parents and grandparents. Divorce was rare. They knew something we don't.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

We Thought Dems Despise Christians

     We interrupt our plans for today to share an email we just received from our long-time friends now living in Israel. 

     You may remember that Barack Obama attended a church pastored by Jeremiah Wright for two decades. Wright's sermons were anti-American, somewhat anti-white. Obama now claims people of every religion will go to heaven. 

     To our surprise, we learn that Kamala Harris is a Baptist. Her pastor at Third Baptist Church in San Francisco is Rev. Amos Brown, who preaches Scripture, and participates in the movement to pay $5 million in reparations to every Black person.  

     Harris called him after she replaced Joe Biden as the nominee for president. She once described Brown as "an inspiration to me always."

      So, what does he inspire her to think? The email - accept it or not - says his "history is one of radicalism, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism." 

     He even alienated Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein. He considers America to be a "racist country." 

     Brown participated in the UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban (South Africa), which condemned Israel. The conference called for "a policy of complete and total isolation of Israel as an apartheid state." 

     At the 2022 National Baptist Convention Harris reportedly said, with Brown in attendance, "For two decades now, at least, I have turned to you. I have turned to him. And I will say that your wisdom has really guided me and grounded me..."  

     Goggle "Third Baptist Church" for more information about the pastor and also Mrs. Harris. Her mother was raised Hindu and her husband is Jewish.  

     For a party that wants Christians to stay out of politics, this will be interesting. Harris likes the command to love everyone, and if millions more cross our border to be loved, or bring crime or Fentanyl, she will be fine with that. 

     She has lied terribly, and now lies about her lies. Maybe Rev. Brown should teach her how God hates lying.    




Monday, July 29, 2024


     In February 2023, some 100 Asbury University students lingered after a chapel service. The Holy Spirit moved over the next 16 days, bringing nearly 50 thousand visitors to campus during the student-led revival.

     Classes were suspended as days and nights were filled with worship and confession by students and visitors alike. One student said, "Jesus healed me from a long time of anger and bitterness and doubt. I feel the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit."  

     Last September, thousands of Auburn University students gathered for a night of worship, promoted by football coach Hugh Freeze and basketball coach Bruce Pearl. That night, two hundred students were baptized in a campus pond. 

     One student said, "The service led me to want to follow God more in my spiritual journey. You could feel God moving through the entire room." 

     At Florida State University February 15, a move of God began. A New York Times reporter and Christian author ... speaker at the event ... said, "We can't explain what's happening apart from the Spirit. Nearly 4,500 Florida State students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ." 

     Hundreds were baptized at the school's fountain after the service. 

Source:  Newsletter for ministers' widows

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Threat to Democracy 

     Well, this is interesting. The people conspiring to turn the U.S. socialist ... accuse the other side of being a "threat to democracy." 

     Remember Rod Blagojevich? The Illinois governor, 2003-2009? He was impeached for trying to sell President Obama's vacant senate seat. Obama sacked him, and Blago, as people call him, went to prison. President Trump commuted his sentence in 2020. 

     It's no wonder Blago called Obama "a threat to democracy," in the Wall Street Journal last week. 

     In The Telegraph, he said, "Obama is running the Democrat Party like a Chicago ward boss, from the shadows, in the back room." Sour grapes, or truth? 

     We assume Obama the Great is still the leading figure among Democrats, and we know that he preferred rival Hiliary Clinton to succeed him in 2016. Not his vice president, Joe Biden. Clinton lost to Trump. Biden desired to be president since forever. Among Washington egos, such humiliation is never forgotten. Score: Obama 1 Biden 0.

     Four years later, Obama told Biden, "Joe, you don't need to run," but run he did. Obama 1 Biden 1

     Now, we learn that Obama prefers former Navy pilot, astronaut Mark Kelly as our next president. Obama 2 Biden 1. So, when Biden was pressured to forget reelection, he quickly named Vice President Harris - our most radical politician - his choice. Obama 2 Biden 2. But Biden got the last word, unless Obama wins > Kelly for vice president.  

     In that case, Obama 2-1/2  Biden 2.   

     Who chose Harris as Biden's running mate in 2020?   

     Tell me. Who is threatening democracy?


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quick Review, John chapter 6 

     Most assuredly I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. v. 53 

     For my flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. v. 55

     It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. v. 63 

     Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life." v. 68

     "We have come to believe and know that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." v. 69 

Friday, July 26, 2024

 Scoundrels or Fools? 

     Germany's Dietrich Bonhoffer, writing from his Nazi prison cell 80 years ago, asked: "Which is more dangerous, the scoundrel or the fool?" 

     He answered himself: "Folly is more dangerous than evil." 

     Columnist Lynn Vincent wrote, "One can protest against evil, and if need be, prevent it by force. Against folly, we have no defense. Reasoning is no use. Facts can simply be disbelieved, even criticized, or just pushed aside."

     "So, the fool is self-satisfied; he can easily become aggressive. Bonhoeffer considered folly more dangerous because fools are the scoundrel's foot soldiers. He wrote, 'Any violent display of power produces an outburst of folly. The power of some needs the folly of others.'"

     Vincent: "The fool is a dupe...who is not even aware he has sold what makes him human. Bonhoeffer wrote that 'one is dealing not with the man himself, but with slogans, catchwords and such.'" 

     "Catchwords like: Rights. Freedom. Justice. Access. GIVE NOW." 

     Bonhoeffer: "The fool will be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil." 

     "Evil imprisoned Bonhoeffer, but it was fools who killed him. Some men are both."

     Views: On TV this week we saw our own fools prancing and defacing and burning in our nation's capital city.



Thursday, July 25, 2024

Heart and Soul 

     You have...we all have heart and soul.  

     While ancient people spoke or wrote of the heart, and others used the word soul, it meant the same immaterial or spiritual essence of our person. Our identity, attributes, personality, memories. 

     Get this: It is believed that our hearts/souls survive physical death. Like cement hardens, our attributes may go on, hardened. Fortunately, we are free to choose.  

     Shouldn't we choose the better attributes while we live? Some are helpful, others hurtful. We'll list several. Find yourself - pleased with some, maybe concerned about others.

trust   obedience    honesty    truth    love   humility   sacrifice   justice   

devotion   joy   repentance   faith   purity   delight   promise   rest 

     The opposites are attributes also, like - falsehood   hatred   pride. 

     We collect attitudes and beliefs along the path of life. Helpful or hurtful. Positive or negative. True or false. 

     Resisting the temptation to score others, I must examine my own attributes without judging neighbors, people in the news, etc. 

     Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use... (Matthew 7:1-2). 

     So, how do we choose anyone for any purpose without "judging" their ability, character, attitudes, etc.? We discern. We identify. We evaluate.  

     We need to know who to marry, to hire, to trust, to help, to treat with justice. If there is no purpose, no need, we zip it! God is their judge. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

North Cuba?

     As I laid awake early this morning, the pieces began to fall into place.

     Progressive/Marxist people maneuvered Vice President Harris into the starting gate. The new race has begun.

     For all their bubbly praise of President Biden, he means nothing to them. Nor does our Constitution. 

     Some time ago Harris firmly told a newsman she wants every benefit for everyone, including illegal immigrants. If that was even possible. Her "benefits" include dropping charges for most crimes in San Francisco. 

     Without voters, she dropped out of the 2020 race, only to surface later to encourage women and blacks for Biden. Maybe she was also chosen for such a time as this. 

     Her party would replace gas-powered vehicles with more expensive electric. We say, this is not for the environment, but to take most Americans out of vehicle ownership altogether. They oppose Israel. They oppose Christians. Stay with me.

     Our public education may be rated 25th in the world, or lower. Emphasis is on diversity, equality and inclusion...not merit. 

     Years ago, Fidel Castro while in prison read Karl Marx's book, and the rest is history.

     Who visited brother Raul Castro, also communist, when he was president? Barack Obama. Who was obviously behind the scenes on Sunday when Joe Biden's ego was overcome? Barack Obama. 

     When U.S. debt finally brings us to our knees, the Cuban system will suffice. As in Cuba, the Obamas and friends will continue living a good life, while the rest of you squeeze by. Maybe. 

     Will they rename us "The United States of North Cuba?" 

     Donald and J.D. could delay all this.  




Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Angels Among Us?

     You can say, "No Way!" But you can't prove that.

     Scripture describes materialism, ungodliness and wickedness that led to a curse on our world. We forget, or never believed, that God sent rebellious angels to earth to deal with them - and their leader - here instead of there.

     Now called "demons," they are furious with God and come between him and humans "made in his image." We don't appreciate this war, but we don't get to vote it away. We can be saved in the end.  

     If holy angels enter human affairs to help us, why couldn't demons come to fool and destroy us? Missionaries say it is common in heathen lands. There is no "wall" keeping them out of our land. Spiritism, witchcraft and other occults exist. What might concern us even more are less visible works of the enemy, "the prince of the power of the air." (Ephesians 2.) 

     In "the last days" (Luke 21) there will be more visible signs of Satan's attempts to capture our minds. 

     Jew and gentile, male and female, slave and free...we can be saved by God's grace and begin walking with Him. Whatever God thinks about the USA is one thing, but far less important than our eternal destination.  

     Americans can be thankful - this week when our compromised president was out of sight and our giggling vice president was busy collecting supporters and our senate leader was chuckling over their successful maneuvering - that foreign enemies or terrorists within didn't try something. Well, the week isn't over. 

         Love you all,    Jimmy

Monday, July 22, 2024

While We Wondered   

     The party that claims to defend democracy brought the president of the United States to the soon end of his half-century in politics. Fourteen million Democrats had voted for him in the primaries. 

     Obama, Pelosi and other oligarchs chose him for the White House to mark time for a term, while Bernie Sanders and other Marxists ruled, but his mental problems were finally exposed. Worse, Biden said he was running for a second term. Ouch. 

     He immediately recommended his vice president, a longtime San Francisco political climber. Our enemies must be smiling. Who do the oligarchs want? 

It doesn't matter who replaces Joe.

     Whatever you think about Donald Trump, the Democrat oligarchy - if they win - will continue destroying America. They will:

1. Resume our border travesty

2. Continue to drive up debt

3. Continue lawfare & tolerate crime

4. Continue horrible foreign policy 

5. Continue to weaken our military

6. Crush those who oppose them


Definition: A few wield all power. A privileged group seeks personal gain and/or benefits. An oligarchy can be formed by wealth, family, nobility, corporate interest, religion, politics or military. *Take your pick. The next 3-1/2 months will determine our future. Do we remove the U from USA?

During his term, President Trump gave all his salary to government agencies that actually help people. He wasn't allowed to just cancel it.  


Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Real Heroes, Martyrs 


     "After surveying Rome's long history, Augustine decided Paul and other martyrs were Rome's real heroes, not politicians and soldiers. Rome's legions conquered the known world. But any glory they achieved for Rome proved short-lived." 

     "In The City of God Augustine referred to the apostle Paul as 'the best and strongest of men.' Not through war and conquest; rather, he gloried in his own weakness."

     "Augustine esteemed the martyrs who possessed humility in the face of death. Their first concern was testifying to their faith in the heavenly city rather than fighting for fading glory in the earthly city." 

     "Augustine ends The City of God, contemplating that heavenly city: 'There we shall be still and see, see and love, love and praise. Behold what will be in the end without end! For what else is our end but to reach the kingdom without end?'" 

     "During a contentious election cycle, it's easy to forget our ultimate concern should be the kingdom without end, rather than restoring America's fading glory. But citizens of heaven have a civic responsibility to work for the good of the earthly city. As we prepare to cast our votes this year, Augustine would urge us to faithfully engage in politics without putting our faith in it."  

We trust you appreciated our series based on an article by Collin Garbarino,         who studied the fifth century bishop, Augustine.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Virtues or Vices? 

  No. 6 of 7

     "The Roman government didn't possess justice, but it was a better government than others. Rome achieved peace and prosperity with a kind of martial virtue. Augustine saw her virtues as effective, but actually, 'splendid vices' that kept even worse vices in check."

     "Looking at American history, Augustine likely would accuse our version of the earthly city of failing the standard of justice. But he might also admit that the United States is as good as it gets on this earth. Ultimately, however, as good as it gets simply isn't good enough." 

     "Augustine dismissed civil theology. Our modern church and state operating in separate spheres owes much to his thinking. Ancient societies including Rome believed religion and civic life over lapped. After Rome converted to Christianity, old habits of thought persisted. Augustine warned that God never meant for Christians to think this way."

     "Despite his skepticism, Augustine supported civic order. He didn't advocate tearing down or replacing a government with some idealized policy that has no chance of achieving perfection. He cited Romans chapter 13 to remind Christians they are under the authority of the civic magistrate: 

     "'Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment,' he wrote."

Tomorrow: Martyrs the Real Heroes


Friday, July 19, 2024

Honest Assessment 

   Part 5 of 7

     "So how do we avoid using religion to prop up a doomed way of life? Augustine said an honest assessment of history should do the trick."

     "Romans, pagan and Christian alike, shared an inordinate pride in their empire. In The City of God Augustine wrote that citizens of small states are often happier than those in large empires. He claimed that without justice the only difference between a kingdom and a criminal gang is size, implying the Roman government was no better than the Goths."

     "Augustine attacked the heart of Roman nationalism, dismantling Rome's most cherished stories. He wrote about how the country was founded in blood and that it wasn't so golden. Augustine denied that the Roman Republic even warranted the name 'Republic,' a word that denotes a government by and for the people." 

     "A true republic possesses true justice, and one can't find true justice apart from Christ. At its best, Rome was a shadowy facsimile of a republic, driven by pride and lust for domination." 

     "In the fifth century, pagans and Christians alike wanted to make Rome great again. Augustine asked, 'When was it ever great?' Americans often fall into this Roman tendency of idealizing the past, but is there a period in our history in which we can honestly say we fulfilled the mandate of justice for all?" 

     "This isn't to say America is as bad as it could be, devoid of common grace." 

Tomorrow: Virtues or Vices?


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Approach to Politics  

     Part 4 of 7

     "Augustine offered an approach to politics much like the apostle Paul before him. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote, 'Our citizenship is in heaven,' but he also took advantage of his Roman citizenship when it suited him. Christians are citizens of both the City of God and the City of Man, but only heavenly citizenship is eternal." 

     Augustine wrote that Christians are like pilgrims traveling through the earthly city on their way to a better country. We must avoid the vices of the City of Man, but that doesn't mean we should show contempt for the earthly city and its politics."     ...hmmmm

     "Christians are free to make use of the politics and culture of the City of Man, but we must remember those things are not ends in themselves. Neither our founders nor contemporary politicians have the right to declare America Christian - a designation God reserves for his Church."

     "Some claim the country must turn back to God if it is to achieve its former glory. And that the goal of Christianity is to restore and support a proper social order." Views: We turn back to God for His glory. The goal of Christianity is to take the good news to neighbors and to the ends of the earth. 

     "Augustine would say a Christian goal to glorify the nation is the pagan way of thinking. Pagans in Rome talked the same way. Rome was more prosperous and peaceful before Christianity became politically influential." 

     "Those who claim Christian virtue should be promoted to save Western civilization have it exactly backwards. It turns Christianity into something to preserve the West, as the end goal."

Tomorrow: Honest Assessment


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Where Is the Kingdom?  Part 3 of 7 

We sincerely hope conservatives regain executive and legislative control.


     The author of The City of God wrote, "It's easy to see how Rome's Christians could be attracted by the promise of a Christian state. We see the same impulse today in those who espouse forms of Christian nationalism."

     "When Jesus said his kingdom isn't of this world, He didn't mean it's coming later, during the days of Constantine" - or the days of Trump. 

     "With Augustine, the City of Man isn't bound by a particular time and place. It manifests itself in different ways throughout human history. All the empires have been manifestations of the City of Man. Augustine showed that every human political institution is doomed to collapse only to be replaced by another." 

     "The Bible uses the imagery of Babylon to refer to this world system. Augustine wrote that Christians (in the fifth century) ought not confuse themselves by assuming Rome had become a New Jerusalem rather than another iteration of the old Babylon." 

     "The City of Man offers no hope, but there's another city that will claim the Bible's promise to Jerusalem, and that is the City of God ... boundless, containing all God's people through time and space along with the holy angels." 

     "The City of God won't shatter beneath barbarian swords. Unlike the City of Man, which will be overthrown at Christ's second coming, the City of God is everlasting. In the midst of trials, Augustine comforted believers by pointing to their ultimate hope." 

Tomorrow: Approach to Politics

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Christian Empire? 

Part 2 of 7 

     The author says fifth-century Christians viewed Rome as a Christian empire. Many American Christians claim that the U.S. was founded to be a City of God, rather than another City of Man. Our founders did find inspiration from the Bible while crafting our Constitution. And Christianity thrived. 

     Eight decades later, Christian northerners and Christian southerners killed each other over the life of our man-centered government.

     Augustine reminded his readers that Jesus is the world's last, best hope and the Church is the shining city. Not man-centered government. Politics cannot deliver what God someday will create. 

     The "city of God" is found in Psalm 87, along with the gates of Zion and ... the Most High himself will establish her. Not Washington, man or city.

     Meanwhile, the "city of man seeks to establish itself through pride and self-sufficiency." Augustine worked on his book for 15 years, exploring these two "cities" in a thousand pages, cover to cover. 

     "In the fourth century, many Christians began to view Rome as the locus (location) for the promised kingdom of God. This new empire would usher in the millennial reign of Jesus." 

     "When Goths sacked Rome, political structures began to unravel. Pagan critics of Christianity pounced. Many, rich and distinguished, blamed Rome's fall on those who failed to honor the gods they claimed had protected Rome for almost a thousand years. The Christian God wasn't up to the task." 

     "Augustine, in The City of God, assaults Rome's religion. He recounts time and again how their gods proved faithless."

 Tomorrow: Where Is the Kingdom? 


Monday, July 15, 2024

Answers for America? 

Part 1 of 7 [Ask Augustine]

     Our founders found wisdom in the Bible, and their inspiration for republican institutions and architecture in Rome. 

     Can the Roman Empire hold clues to our own future? Daniel, one of the Jews taken to Babylon, interpreted the king's dream. There were four kingdoms represented by a statue of a man, each kingdom inferior to its predecessor. 

     History later provided the names: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The statues' feet and toes (Rome) were part clay and part iron. This fourth "kingdom" was and still is divided. When the Messiah comes to Jerusalem, He the "rock" will break and command the entire earth. 

     Today's America has out-of-touch elites in government, as did Rome. People lose faith. There was and is economic uncertainty. Rome had its own immigration crisis, failing to assimilate Germanic Goths (who were impoverished). The Goths sacked Rome on August 24, 140 A.D

     During this time, Augustine, a bishop in the Roman province of Africa, wrote one of Christianity's greatest literatures, The City of God. In the article we summarize for you, the author wrote, "Augustine argued that the City of God and the City of Man are not the same thing."   

     For many in our election cycle, "politics has become a religion...filled with fear and trembling - and lies - because the whims of a voting public, each half distrusting the other, shape our destiny." Trump and Biden both called for "unity" in the wake of the attempted assassination. 

     While Augustine served in modern-day Algeria, Rome's refugees flooded into North Africa. He wrote his book "to make sense of the calamity and offer better insights for (fifth century) Christians as they await the Second Coming." 

Tomorrow: Christian Empire? 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

 What Matters Most? 

     One day there was only one boat, which the disciples took to the other side of the sea. Jesus stayed behind. The next day, the crowd also arrived at the other side, and to their surprise, Jesus was there.

     "Rabbi, when did you come here?" 

     In John chapter 6, Jesus answered: You seek me not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you. 

     This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent. Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. 

     I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me. 

     And this is the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 

     I am the bread of life. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world. 

     The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

We'll pause our blogging for tonight

following the assassination attempt on

our 45th president.

Previous assassinations: Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley

all Republicans, and JFK, Democrat.

Attempts: Reagen and Trump, Republicans.

Time for prayers and reflection. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

 friday night 

Who Can Help Us? 

     It's election year, and we know the whims of voters. Possible foul play.

     Who can help us sort out the facts? 

     Will we make America great again? Were we ever great?

     Did our founders really consider us a Christian nation? 

     There is someone who can help...posthumously. 

     Views prepared a seven-blog summary of The City of God, written by Augustine, a bishop who knew Rome's history well. His study sheds light on our world. Afterall, human nature hasn't changed since Adam & Eve.

     You may or may not like what Augustine wrote 16 centuries ago. Thanks to author Collin Garbarino, we don't have to read all ten thousand pages that Augustine wrote. 

     We will focus on his highlights, beginning Sunday night. I would not spend all this time if I didn't think you will appreciate something we don't hear from either party.



Thursday, July 11, 2024

They Hated Us Then 

     Friends and other readers, if you haven't yet noticed how the Clinton/Obama/Biden world despises you, here are two stories from my time at a Department of Energy site in the 1990s. Clinton was president. 

     First, as a typical office employee in the Public Relations Dept. at Savannah River Site - where five nuclear power plants were no longer needed to produce weapons-grade material - I was among 21 attending an offsite meeting. 

     The DOE required our manager to lead us in an exercise that had absolutely nothing to do with our jobs. On a field behind the building, we mostly college graduates lined up. 

     Then she read: For example, If you are white, step forward. If you are male, same thing. If you are nonwhite, or female, step backward. Sometimes it was two steps. 

     I can't recall all the statements, but when she finished, I was in second place, ahead of 19 fellow employees I normally looked up to, for their knowledge and abilities. Shame on me. The purpose? We can only guess, but I was flabbergasted! Democrats are still doing these things.

     Second, a manager I knew personally was showing the Secretary of Energy, Hazel O'Leary, how things worked in a "separations" facility. In two long buildings they separated materials produced in reactors, all to get plutonium etc. To avoid radiation, employees used "master" tools to operate "slave" tools on the other side of the windows. 

     When the Secretary (a white woman) heard those words, she went ballistic for five minutes or so, and our manager feared for his job.

     In our government today, what people are is more important than what they do for "we the people." That's why a black female, regardless of qualifications, must be our next president. Or not.  



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Weighing the Evidence   

     "What happened on October 8 tells us a lot about the Israel-Hamas war" that began October 7. - Andree Seu Peterson in WORLD magazine.

     As in criminal cases, there must be ways of ascertaining guilt and innocence. 

     "Friendships everywhere have been strained by the Israel-Hamas nightmare," she wrote. "We are either pro-Israel or pro-Hamas." 

     "A certain kind of evidence that began October 8 and reached crescendo on Ivy League campuses" persuades Peterson. It is she says the evidence Christ himself urges:

     You will know them by their fruits. - Matthew 7:16. 

     "Christ was warning against false prophets and leaders. They come in sheep's clothing," posing as righteous and compassionate and on the side of the oppressed. But inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. - Verse 15

     Peterson: "A true prophet of justice does not on Oct. 8 call for the death of the nation massacred on Oct. 7. Such a counterintuitive and upside-down response serves to show true colors." 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Squatters vs. Property Owners 

     If you don't want to work in the Arctic (see yesterday's blog), or work at all, maybe a squatter's life is for you. In some states the laws benefit squatters more than protect homeowners.

     Many states have "squatters" rights laws allowing them to claim ownership of property if they live in and care for it for a specified number of years. Such laws were never intended to allow a person to move into a home and take possession of it, rent-free.

     A former policeman in California said, "We would get a call that someone was trespassing, and when we responded, the squatter would say they have the right to be there. The law officer does not resolve the dispute. That is what the judicial system is for." That can be a lengthy, expensive process. 

     Squatters get free rent for 6 to 8 months, and it's illegal in California to turn off utilities and water.  

     In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that took effect July 1. Under this law, a property owner can request law enforcement remove a squatter immediately.

     The law also makes it a first-degree misdemeanor to make a false statement in writing or provide false documents conveying property rights. It is a second-degree felony for squatters to cause $1,000 or more in damages. 

     Georgia, West Virginia, New York and Tennessee have also passed laws this year protecting property rights. Arizona's governor vetoed a squatter eviction bill. 



Monday, July 8, 2024


     If you are looking for a job, we hear they are looking for workers (and soldiers) in the frigid, hostile Arctic environment. 

     In recent years, the Arctic ice has weakened, opening new shipping lanes and resource extraction possibilities. Along with this goes competition between the U.S. and adversaries - China and Russia.

     The "riches" include fish, oil and natural gas reserves, and shipping rights. 

     Russia, with almost 50% of the Arctic coastline, leads the charge. Russia gets about 20% of its gross domestic product from Arctic industries such as mining and energy production. Putin wants to convert the coastline into a toll road. They have 40 icebreaker vessels.

     The U.S. Coast Guard has one full-time icebreaker. There is another to be ready by 2029, at a cost of $1.9 billion. 

     Looking down on the Arctic Circle, after Russia, Canada is next with about 30% of the coastline. There is Greenland and Alaska each with one percent, followed by small coastlines in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland.


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Most Famous Building

     The U.S. Capitol and various American state capitol buildings are not the most famous. But they are inspired by the building that is. They are near copies of the Pantheon in Rome. (pan - all; theos - gods) It was dedicated to pagan gods by Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 128. 

     Steven Jones in WORLD magazine wrote, "Just entering overwhelms the senses. The floor is a patchwork of multicolored marble tiles. But the dominant feature is the domed ceiling. The dome is 143 feet off the ground, and it's pierced by a 27-foot-wide oculus (circular opening at the top of a dome), the building's only light source. 

     "The building is unchanged since antiquity. It was converted into a church early in its post-Roman history. When Rome was sacked, images of pagan gods disappeared, and the statues of Augustus and Agrippa vanished. 

     "The Pantheon's history and beauty disguise the impressive feats of engineering. The roof is made from Rome's invention: concrete. The Pantheon still holds the record as the world's largest single piece of unreinforced concrete. The walls are 20 feet thick, built in a circle to carry the weight of the roof. The dome itself has a diameter of 143 feet, the same distance as its height. 

     "Countless earthquakes have ruined other Roman buildings. On university campuses, buildings like the Library Rotunda at the University of Virginia reflect the Pantheon's enduring legacy."

See pictures of the Pantheon on your computer.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Father and Son 

A quick look at John chapter 5

     Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do.

     The Father loves the Son.

     For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.

     Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.

     My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. 

     I do not receive testimony from man.

     I do not receive honor from men.

     I have come in my Father's name.

     Moses...wrote about Me. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wrestling With God  

     Abraham's grandson Jacob lived a __?__ life. We don't have a word for his many experiences. He fathered 12 sons by two wives and two servant women. This was long before Moses and the laws. Jacob's sons would eventually be known as fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. 

     One night, Jacob sent his family and possessions across a tributary of the Jordan river. He feared his brother Esau, whom he had deceived 20 years earlier. Jacob stayed back to pray, and a man - presumably the "angel of the Lord," God himself - wrestled with him until daybreak (Genesis 32:22-24). 

     The "man could not overpower" Jacob, but touched the socket of his hip, causing him to limp. (Commentary: a reminder that Jacob must no longer walk in his own strength but rely on God and walk in dependence on him.) 

     V. 28: "Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome."  

     Israelites and Jews in many other nations, and Christians, have their own struggles and challenges to rely on God...and walk in dependence on him. The Lord didn't promise an easy life, without struggle, without opposition from enemies, both human and spirit.     



Thursday, July 4, 2024

 The American's Creed 

     Before we leave July 4th, here is The American's Creed by William Page, adopted by an Act of Congress in 1918. 

     I believe in the United States of America, as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

     I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Help ! !     

     Will someone please warn the politicians, so-called news people, and others in education, justice, business and whatnot -  

habitual liars are destined for hell.

     At the end of the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 22, among the very last words the Lord gave to our world:

     Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city (the new Jerusalem).

     Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and...                                       everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 


     While we're in the mood, how about this: If Democrats somehow hold onto national power, we may be enjoying the 248th and final 4th of July celebration. Who will free us of our own dictators? And don't lie about Trump being a dictator! 

     How could anyone celebrate freedom when the party in power has a grip that our founders would despise? One more victory will enable Democrats (and their communist wing, with Barney Sanders, an independent in name only) to rule the country, second amendment, maybe the whole constitution begone! 

     Middle class Democratic voters will be unrepresented, like the rest of people in most nations.  

     Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre - far more educated and experienced in politics than yours truly - says to reporters, "The president is working for the American people every day." We don't have to believe her. 

     She blamed Biden's poor debate on fatigue from his trip overseas, and his "cold," although he had been here at home for 12 days. The day after the debate he looked and sounded just fine. His "cold" suddenly cured? Again, we don't have to believe her. We do have to believe the Bible, if we want eternal life.    


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We're All Lawbreakers  

     When the Exodus came to a halt and the Lord began to deal with his people who had known little but slavery for centuries, there was little normalcy about their daily lives.  

     Like most of us, they struggled to follow directions. All they knew was Egypt, miserable as it was. When Moses told them what God wanted them to do, they had other ideas. Some wanted to return to Egypt, or at least complain to Moses. 

     They had been slaves without new revelations from God. Until...while still in Egypt they experienced incredible miracles that persuaded Pharaoh to "let my people go." Later in the desert, they were exposed to "thunder and lighting, thick cloud, loud trumpets and fire, smoke like a furnace." And if that didn't get their attention, "the whole mountain trembled violently." 

     All that to introduce the Ten Commandments: No other gods, no idols, don't misuse the name of God...etc. 

     We grew up where the congregation recited the Ten Commandments every Sunday. Of course, there were hundreds of other laws and instructions God delivered through Moses. They haven't been rescinded. Thankfully, Jesus summarized, we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew chapter 22). 

     Still, the Lord instructs us not to murder, commit adultery, steal, give false testimony (lie) or covet what our neighbor has. 

     What's our score here in America?


Monday, July 1, 2024

Wife Takes Over 

     We've seen that the "first lady" can take over, secretly, when the president is no longer mentally qualified. Voters don't know the truth.

     No. We're not talking about Jill Biden, although she - and others - are there when her husband needs help. Have you seen the escorts he has when his helicopter lands near the White House? 

     Edith Wilson, in her fourth year as wife of President Woodrow Wilson, covered for him for a year and five months after he suffered a stroke and was partially paralyzed. She claimed he was resting and would (pretend to?) take messages to him in his bedroom. 

     The world was much different in 1920-21, but still, how could she and the Democrats get away with such deception? 

     Vice President Thomas Marshall attended cabinet meetings, but - fear of being accused of pushing Wilson out - he went along with the coverup and made no major decisions.

     Good thing there was peace when President Wilson was out of it.

     Is our current president out of it? At least this time, with TV, we can see for ourselves. The Biden (crime family) will hold onto power which enables them to enrich themselves...four more years!...four more years!
