Friday, March 15, 2024

Party Animals

      Plunging into the murky waters of another presidential election...

     Do we have to do this? Do we have a choice?   

     Americans who identify as independents are 43 percent of all voters. Democrats and Republicans each account for 27 percent. Too bad for Dems all the immigrants they've let in can't vote of today. Gallup reports that Democrat registration has dropped 1 percent each year Biden has been president. 

     Two active Democrats called their party "crazy" in an interview with WORLD magazine. Trump may be cantankerous, but one of those Dems voted for him twice. 

     I wrote before that I was trained in journalism to remain neutral in news reporting. That train has left the station. WORLD still reports without bias. But "many media companies - and college journalism schools - have abandoned any pretense of fair and balanced coverage," the magazine says. We might not vote for Trump if his opponent was named Reagan. Or Lincoln. To vote for any Democrat at this time would be - as the two Democrats said - "crazy."  

Speaking of Battle 

     We've decided to launch our series on demons Sunday evening, unless some demonic event changes our focus. 😜 

     The first four blogs will be titled - subject to change - My Enemy and Yours, Like it or Not, The Original War, and Demons Knew Jesus, and Feared. 

     Four more blogs will follow. It's interesting to read the awesome first two chapters in Genesis - creation - followed immediately by the permission given the serpent, devil in disguise. Eve and her husband fell for his trick, as all of us probably would have done in their shoes...if they had shoes. God wanted war. And he got it.  



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