Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Messianic Prophecies

     We wrote of Isaiah chapter 49 the past two days.

     You might also find it interesting that Isaiah's work, 700-680 B.C., included more than 25 messianic prophecies, which surfaced in the New Testament yet to come.

     They included the life and ministry of Christ, his incarnation, youth, mission, obedience and message. Also, his anointing, miracles, suffering, rejection, shame, atoning death, ascension and his second advent (second coming). 

     Years ago, we recorded all the verses - 402 - mostly in the Old Testament - that are relevant to the book of Revelation. We still have this in a drawer, but never had occasion to share it. 

     Around a.d.300, suffering Christians made a pact with a major civilization of the time, relying on unbelievers for protection. Good for safety. Bad for truth and obedience. 

     Around that time, the pope and whatever knowledgeable people were available, collected the known Scriptures in one book. (Catholics use some additional writings, and Jews have their Talmud.) They separated Genesis to Malach...from writings pertaining to the life of Jesus and the Christian missionary story that followed. Old and New.

     Big mistake. There are numerous connections. It's all God's Word, and the "old," especially Genesis, contains valuable knowledge for Christians and anyone searching for truth. 

     "Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."  - John 8:56



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