Thursday, March 28, 2024

     Friday. This just in. We have a shocking update on the arrest of Jesus of Nazareth. The governor ordered him to be flogged. We still don't know what crime he committed. 

     Last Sunday a great crowd at the Feast took palm branches and greeted him as he entered Jerusalem. They expected him to become their king. 

     This afternoon, all talk of kingship has ended. Roman soldiers held the man who annoyed Israelite leaders. Soldiers beat him without mercy, and mocked his claim to be a king. 

     As we speak, here on Friday, he is hanging on a cross, crucified along with two other men. His mother and one of his disciples were spotted at the scene. 

     This is the unexpected end of the life of the man, Jesus, who claimed to be the Son of God. Israelites hoping he would deliver them from Roman rule will be greatly disappointed. That's the story here at the place they call "the rock." 

     The sky has turned dark here, so we turn it over to you. 


We have word this morning from our reporter in Jerusalem. 

     They led Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor. He asked them what charges they bring. They said he is a criminal. Pilate told them to judge him by their own laws. They answered that they had no right to execute anyone.

     Pilate went back inside to question Jesus. When he came back out, he said, "I find no basis for a charge against him. It is your custom for me to release one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release him?"

     They shouted loudly, "No. Give us Barabbas."  

     When we know what Pilate will decide, we'll bring it to you.

Breaking News 

     This evening, Thursday in an olive grove outside Jerusalem, witnesses say that Judas the disciple has betrayed Jesus, his teacher. Apparently, Judas led a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees - carrying torches, lanterns and weapons - to the place Jesus often met with his disciples. 

     We were told they arrested Jesus, bound him and brought him to Annas, father-in-law of the high priest. A witness reported that Jesus said, "I have spoken openly to the world. I said nothing in secret. Why question me?" At that, one of the officials struck him in the face. 

     We have an update. This just in... they have led Jesus from Caiaphas the high priest to the palace of the Roman governor. 

     This activity is highly unusual, this being Passover Week. We will bring you more information on the arrest when we know it. 

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