Friday, March 8, 2024

      We hope our readers were blessed during our series from the book of Hebrews. Giving you the true bread, mostly, is far more valuable than my thoughts. 

     We can never read too much of God's Word. Some people have read the entire Bible a couple hundred times. It keeps them from bowing to earthly idols of nation and influence and fame. 

What's a Christian Supposed to Do? 

     In America, that is. 

     Christians are dual citizens who owe our deepest loyalty to our eternal King. Although we have waved the flag (and clutched our Bibles) since 1776, there is no biblical support for "taking back" our country for Christ. 

     Rumor has it, he will descend on Jerusalem, not Washington. 😏

     Yes, we should witness for him. Yes, we should exercise our right to speak out, to influence public policy. The hard left may despise us. The hard right risks burning it all down. America has been blessed, but we don't know God's plan for it.

     Let the nations know they are but men. (David. Psalm 9:20)  

     Our calling is to trust and obey, love, pray and speak the truth.  



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